The Battle Over ESG: Profits, Purpose & Politics

We are excited to host a timely discussion about ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) at Ross Business School in March, featuring Elizabeth Doty (Director, Erb Corporate Political Responsibility Taskforce); Bennett Freeman (Associate Fellow of Chatham House and former Senior Vice President of Calvert Investments); Vik Khanna (William W. Cook Professor of Law, University of Michigan Law School); and moderated by Erb Institute Faculty Director, Tom […]

Avoiding the Tragedy of the Commons: Can CPR Help Improve the Political Environment for Business & Society?

On-line event

An Expert Dialogue with Paul Washington of the Social & Governance Center at the Conference Board Chief legal officers and government relations executives are finding it difficult to conduct long-term planning and investment in the current US political environment, where a combination of political polarization and extremely close elections increases the risk of wide swings […]

CPRT Expert Dialogue: Examining the “Limits to Growth” Model: Systems Thinking, Sustainability & CPR

On-line event

An Expert Dialogue with Gaya Herrington of Schneider Electric Today’s debates over sustainability and prosperity hinge on foundational assumptions about the economy, growth and the drivers of human well-being. Since its publication in 1972, the “Limits to Growth” model commissioned by the Club of Rome has been at the center of such debates, raising fundamental […]

CPRT Expert Dialogue: CPR, Human Rights & the Rule of Law

On-line event

A CPRT Expert Dialogue with Jon Drimmer of Paul Hastings LLC and Lelia Mooney Sirotinsky of Georgetown University Law Center In the current US political environment, companies are facing complex, high stakes decisions related to cultural issues, civic participation, free speech, informed civic discourse and the rule of law.  Could the field of Business and […]

CPRT Expert Dialogue: Pivotal Moments: Firsthand Stories about Business’ Role in the End of Apartheid in South Africa

On-line event

An Expert Dialogue with Pat McLagan, author and expert in leadership and complex organizational change As trust in civic institutions declines in the US and around the world, many are turning to business to help reverse the cycle. But how? What is most effective? And how can business play a positive role without encroaching on […]

CPRT Expert Dialogue: American Schism: How Business Can Make a Difference in Bringing Us Together without Touching Political “Third Rails”

On-line event

An Expert Dialogue with Seth Radwell, author of American Schism: How the Two Enlightenments Hold the Secret to Healing Our Nation Business leaders across the US and the world are increasingly concerned about polarization and intensifying incivility, but often loathe to get involved in issues that are fraught with conflict and brand risk. Yet, as […]

CPRT Expert Dialogue: Navigating Democracy Flashpoints: How Business Leaders & Boards Can Reduce Risk & Strengthen Civic Trust by Preparing for a Principled Response

On-line event

An Expert Dialogue with Daniella Ballou-Aares and Lauren Caplan of the Leadership Now Project With the 2024 campaigning underway and distrust of American civic institutions at an all-time high, business leaders and boards can expect to confront multiple “democracy flashpoints” in the coming months. What scenarios should they be preparing for? Where might they need […]

CPR in Action: Addressing the Root Causes of Dysfunctional American Politics

On-line event

A CPRT Expert Dialogue with Sarah Bonk & Richard Eidlin of Business for America In the current tumultuous U.S. political environment, business leaders are exploring ways to navigate heated debates and intensifying culture wars. When and how should they take action? How can they prepare internally? Are there ways business can help address the root […]

CPRT Expert Dialogue: Responsible Policy Engagement on Climate Change: Practical Steps for Addressing Misalignment

On-line event

As more investors consider risks related to climate change and a just energy transition, and California and the European Union implement new Scope 3 reporting, companies are being pressed to develop concrete action plans to achieve net zero or other environmental targets. Though these plans focus on operations, supply chains, and products or services, firms […]