CPRT Expert Dialogue: Radical Collaboration: Can Business Help Unleash America’s Middle 70% to Address Climate & Strengthen Democracy?

On-line event

A CPRT Expert Dialogue with Bill Shireman of Future500 and In This Together, and Madeleine Para, Citizens Climate Lobby Though it is rarely featured in the news, research shows that most Americans can collaborate on solutions to systemic threats such as climate change. Yet, many of these “solution citizens” feel isolated and discouraged in the […]

CPRT Expert Dialogue: Rising Authoritarianism: How business can recognize and respond to true threats to representative democracy

On-line event

A CPRT Expert Dialogue with NYU Professor Ruth Ben-Ghiat and Katherine Venice of the Ethical Capitalism Group As hyper-partisanship escalates in the US and beyond, both the left and right are leveling accusations of authoritarianism and even fascism at the other side. Though business leaders may wish they could stay out of the fray, multiple […]

CPRT Expert Dialogue: CPR and Law: Navigating Fiduciary Duty, Human Rights, and Sustainability Governance

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A CPRT Expert Dialogue with Yousuf Aftab, Director of Atelier Aftab As investor interest in ESG accelerates and new challenges emerge, directors and executives can expect more nuanced legal challenges. Among the most difficult of these are questions about the legal aspects of corporate political responsibility. Please join us for an interactive conversation to explore: […]

CPRT Expert Dialogue: The Bridge Alliance: Tapping Ideological, Racial, Generational & Gender Diversity to Renew Civic Space… and How Business Can Help

On-line event

A CPRT Expert Dialogue with Debilyn Molineaux and Rev. Dr. F. Willis Johnson of The Bridge Alliance Though many business leaders are concerned about the effects of polarization and partisan conflict internally and externally, few are aware of the burgeoning movement to build bridges and renew civic space. Members of the Bridge Alliance, a coalition […]

CPRT Expert Dialogue: The Bridge Alliance: Tapping Ideological, Racial, Generational & Gender Diversity to Renew Civic Space… and How Business Can Help

On-line event

A CPRT Expert Dialogue with Debilyn Molineaux and Rev. Dr. F. Willis Johnson of The Bridge Alliance Though many business leaders are concerned about the effects of polarization and partisan conflict internally and externally, few are aware of the burgeoning movement to build bridges and renew civic space. Members of the Bridge Alliance, a coalition […]

CPRT Expert Dialogue: A Conservative Perspective on Clean Energy Innovation: Implications for CPR Following the 2022 Midterm Elections

On-line event

A CPRT Expert Dialogue with Tyler Duvelius of the Conservative Energy Network Thursday, November 17, 3-4:15pm ET Tyler Duvelius has built his career bringing conservative viewpoints into the clean energy conversation, working to educate, train, and organize conservative grassroots support for clean energy issues, and actively participating in clean energy policy discussions at the local, state, and […]

CPR, Externalities & Fiduciary Duty: Why Investors are Concerned about Corporate Impacts on People & Planet

On-line event

A CPRT Expert Dialogue with Josh Zinner of ICCR and John Keenan of AFSCME Investors are increasingly concerned about the impacts corporations have on people and the planet, and the risks these can create for businesses, investors, and beneficiaries. Institutional investors in particular worry about “externalities” that can undermine a firm’s financial performance or amplify […]

Racial and Economic Equity, Inclusion and Long-term Sustainability: The Critical Role of CPR

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A CPRT Expert Dialogue with Mahlet Getachew of PolicyLink Over the past few years, business leaders have become more aware of racial discrimination and economic inequity, and how they affect employees, customers, communities and their businesses. Many are now working to create cultures of equity and inclusion, promote economic opportunity and invest in the communities […]

The Paradoxes of Shareholder Voice: CPR & the Investment Manager Perspective

On-line event

A CPRT Expert Dialogue with Jonas Kron, Chief Advocacy Officer at Trillium Asset Management Amidst the current debate about ESG and impact investing, fund managers are taking a deeper look at the political activities of the companies they invest in. Some push companies into active advocacy. Others focus on ensuring that political influences are not […]

CPRT Expert Dialogue: Better Disclosure: Could a Voluntary Lobby Disclosure Platform Improve CPR While Lowering Reporting Requirements?

On-line event

An Expert Dialogue with Christine Mahoney of the University of Virginia Despite the enormous burden of current reporting requirements on lobbying activity, there is surprisingly little useful information to enable problem-solving or accountability. Meanwhile, companies now face pressure to report in more depth on the issues they advocacy priorities and their positions on key issues.  […]