CPRT Expert Dialogue: CPR & The History of Corporate Political Rights

On-line event

As business leaders wrestle with whether and how to adjust their political influences in response to increasing scrutiny from employees, customers, investors and the public, few are familiar with how the legal frameworks and norms for corporate political involvement have shifted over time.

Is Corporate Political Spending Bad for Business? If So, What Can Be Done?

On-line event

A conversation with Hon. Leo E. Strine, Jr., former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Delaware, of counsel at the law firm of Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz and the Michael L. Wachter Distinguished Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania’s Carey Law School, and Dorothy S. Lund, Associate Professor of Law, University of Southern […]

CPRT Expert Dialogue: Net Positive Advocacy: Co-creating Policies that Enable Better Outcomes for All

On-line event

Amidst increasingly apparent systemic threats – from climate change to inequality to social instability -- business leaders are being confronted with head-spinning dual realities: On the one hand, they are engaged in intensive, sometimes overwhelming efforts to improve their firm’s sustainability and responsiveness to stakeholders. And, on the other, they are consistently challenged that their […]

CPRT Expert Dialogue: Corporate Political Responsibility & the Economy: Revisiting ‘Pro-business’ Advocacy

On-line event

In the debate over whether businesses should take a stand on broad civic, political and societal issues, few have explored how companies influence policy and narratives on issues related to their core businesses and shareholder returns. As the economy, and particularly corporate governance practices, become “financialized,” ”pro-business” political influence has had a major impact on […]

CPRT Expert Dialogue: Rebuilding Trust in American Civic Institutions: Campaign Finance, Non-partisan Reform & How Business Can Help

On-line event

A CPRT Expert Dialogue with Kevin Johnson, Election Reformers Network, and Ciara Torres-Spelliscy, The Brennan Center As we head into the fall mid-term elections, experts warn that low trust in American civic institutions is dangerous for representative democracy, civic freedom and the rule of law – as well as the environment for business. Yet trust […]