Can businesses take the lead on transforming our society into a more sustainable environment? Andrew J. Hoffman | University of Michigan Solutions to climate change require new types of aggressive thinking. While global treaties to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are...
Results for research on: Academia
Three Bold Ideas From the World’s First Tech-For-Good Global Summit
Ever since my experience building an ecommerce venture as a Peace Corps volunteer in Armenia, I have been fascinated by how technology can help solve the world’s most pressing social and environmental challenges. When I stumbled upon the Accelerate Good Global Summit,...
Erb Faculty Member, Tom Lyon – “Flint residents are furious as discounted water bills end” – NPR Marketplace
Erb Faculty Member, Tom Lyon was quoted in this recent radio story on the continued struggle of Flint, MI residents as they manage through the crisis of lead tainted water.
Erb PostDoc Turmunkh successfully defends dissertation
Uyanga Turmunkh’s Dissertation Success Postdoc fellow Uyanga Turmunkh successfully defended her dissertation on “Ambiguity in Social Dilemmas” at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Her thesis examines the ambiguity in people’s behavior in social dilemmas, including how it...
Massimo Tavoni / Erb Colloquium
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Ion Bogdan Vasi / Erb Colloquium
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The Importance of Framing in Presenting Numbers
Research from the University of Michigan’s Erb Institute has found that the careful selection of numerical frames in communications regarding prosocial or socially responsible behaviors can make these communications more persuasive. When people hear statistics, it’s...
Erb PostDoc Schifeling accepts tenure track position at Temple University
Todd Schifeling’s New Position Todd Schifeling, an Erb postdoctoral fellow, has accepted the position of Assistant Professor in the Strategic Management Department at Temple University’s Fox School of Business. In this tenure-track faculty position, Schifeling will...
Erb Faculty Director, Joe Arvai – “Under Trump, best defender of the environment is … big business?” (Michigan Radio)
Listen to the conversation on NPR's Stateside with Joe Arvai, Max McGraw Professor of Sustainable Enterprise and director of the Erb Institute for Global Sustainable Enterprise at the University of Michigan "Word came down recently that Shell — the second-largest oil...
Erb Faculty, Member Andy Hoffman – From Enterprise Integration to Market Transformation: The Future of Corporate Sustainability
"For the foreseeable future, business will be — must be — inseparable from the concept of sustainability, if the human project on Earth is to endure. The market must, and will, adjust to recognize the global nature of the issues we face. The next iteration of...