Do Socially Responsible Corporations Pay Taxes? CSR and Effective Tax Rates

The social responsibilities of for-profit corporations have gained importance recently, and CSR has become both a goal and a set of guidelines for various corporate activities. CSR encompasses a number of dimensions, typically including environmental impacts, treatment of employees, and relations to local communities. Here we consider the relationship between CSR and corporate taxes: do […]

SEAS Environmental Justice Seminar Series – Esme G. Murdock

Thursdays at Noon in March and April, bring your lunch and join Environmental Justice Colleagues to consider new directions in scholarship, learning, and practice Keeping Ourselves: The Role of Land and Corporeality in Environmental Justice Education." Speaker: Esme G. Murdock Join Zoom Meeting Passcode: 812830 Esme G. Murdock received her Ph.D. in the Department of […]

North American Colloquium: Public opinion on North American climate policy

Public opinion on North American climate policy This is a series of (virtual) conversations with policymakers and scholars from Canada, the United States, and Mexico, on climate and energy policy, intergovernmental relations, transnational collaboration and conflict, and the future of North American climate policy. RSVP here Speaker Christopher P. Borick, Erick Lachapelle, Itzkuauhtli Zamora Saenz […]

SEAS Environmental Justice Seminar Series – Bernadette Atuahene

Thursdays at Noon in March and April, bring your lunch and join Environmental Justice Colleagues to consider new directions in scholarship, learning, and practice Bernadette Atuahene earned her JD from Yale and her MPA from Harvard. After graduating, she served as a judicial clerk at the Constitutional Court of South Africa, and then practiced as […]

Overcoming Systemic Barriers to Entrepreneurship

Business and Society Fostering constructive conversations about the role of business in society, politics, and economics. Business and Society 2020-2021 is dedicated to issues regarding race and business, as a part of the Ross Commitment to Action. Events focus on topics ranging from the role of business in tackling systematic oppression to solving problems related to […]

North American Colloquium: Urban climate governance in North America: Exploring the roles of the largest North American cities

Urban climate governance in North America: Exploring the roles of the largest North American cities This is a series of (virtual) conversations with policymakers and scholars from Canada, the United States, and Mexico, on climate and energy policy, intergovernmental relations, transnational collaboration and conflict, and the future of North American climate policy. RSVP here Speaker […]

COVID-19 Pandemic Impacts on the Environment and Climate

The COVID-19 pandemic, by slowing economic activity, has led to significant reductions in industrial emissions, leading to cleaner air and water and an unprecedented decline in carbon emissions. This talk will describe impacts of the pandemic on different aspects of the environment and climate, and discuss how to extend these short term benefits beyond the […]

North American Colloquium Series: Siting renewable energy in North America

Register and more information at Join us to discuss the political challenges and opportunities associated with siting and building renewable energy projects in the United States, Canada and Mexico. We'll hear from three researchers—one from each of the three countries—who have studied how such project proposals are received by host communities in their respective […]

Corporate Political Responsibility: What is business’ role in restoring trusted, well-functioning representative government?

Corporate Political Responsibility: What is business’ role in restoring trusted, well-functioning representative government? | a conversation with Paul Polman, MaryAnne Howland & the Corporate Political Responsibility TaskforceWed, April 21 @ 10-11:15 EDT Paul Polman Co-founder and Co-Chair of IMAGINE, Vice-Chair UN Global Compact, and former CEO Unilever 2009-2018.MaryAnne Howland Chair of the Race and Equity Working Group […]

Impacting Our World with Anheuser-Busch, Tega Collective and Sonnevera International Corp

On April 27th, GrasshoppHer, a women's mentorship app, will be hosting our monthly community webinar. In honor of Earth Day, we will be highlighting women in roles who aim to better our environment. Help uswelcome Elizabeth Cook from Anheuser-Busch, Niha Elety from Tega Collective, and Christina Seidel from Sonnevera International Corp. We will be focusing […]