Race-Consciousness Understandings and Interventions to Demolish Racism for Black, Indigenous, Graduate Level Students of Color

What do we need to improve the experiences of graduate Black, Indigenous, Students of Color (BISOC)? How do we retain these marginalized and minoritized students and faculty? This talk brings together more than ten years of research on high-achieving BISOC and faculty within and beyond STEM fields. The presenter will provide race-conscious answers to the […]

Anti-Racist Community Engagement (For Students)

This interactive virtual workshop will interrogate the role white supremacy often plays in university community engagement experiences and will explore anti-racist approaches to our work in and with communities. The workshop is designed for students with prior knowledge or experience with community engagement who are interested in learning more about how to practice anti-racism in […]

Responding to Human Trafficking in Public and Private Social Impact Organizations

U.S. law defines human trafficking as the use of force, fraud, or coercion to compel a person into commercial sex acts or labor or services against their will. The one exception involves minors and commercial sex. Inducing a minor into commercial sex is considered human trafficking regardless of the presence of force, fraud or coercion. […]

Diversity and Innovation – Featuring Lisa D. Cook

Free and open to the public. Join us for a discussion between Lisa D. Cook and Betsey Stevenson on economics, development, diversity, and innovation. Professor Cook’s research on innovation and diversity has shown that while both women and underrepresented minorities have earned an increasing share of bachelor’s degrees and advanced degrees in fields most associated […]

North American Colloquium: Emergent Issues in Climate Politics and Policy on a Warming Continent

Politics of Pipelines This is a series of (virtual) conversations with policymakers and scholars from Canada, the United States, and Mexico, on climate and energy policy, intergovernmental relations, transnational collaboration and conflict, and the future of North American climate policy. RSVP here Join leading scholars to discuss the politics associated with oil and gas pipeline […]

Future 500 CAN Briefing: Corporate Political Responsibility

Future 500 CAN Briefing: Corporate Political ResponsibilityFri, Feb 26 @ 10AM PT | WebinarFuture 500 is partnering with the Erb Institute's Corporate Political Responsibility Taskforce, Business for America, and In This Together for a cross-sectoral, cross-functional exploration of corporate political responsibility and transparency in 2021 and beyond.

Corporate Political Responsibility in a World on Fire

Corporate Political Responsibility in a World on Fire:Aligning on a Firm-wide Approach for Proactive & Principled EngagementWed, Mar 3 @ 1PM ET | Webinar Tom Lyon, Faculty Director of the Erb Institute, and lead author of CSR Needs CPR: Corporations, Politics and Sustainability (California Management Review's Best Article 2019)Rebecca Henderson, John and Natty McArthur University […]

18th Peter M. Wege Lecture – Featuring Naomi Klein

On-line event

Each year the Center for Sustainable Systems based at the School for Environment and Sustainability, invites an internationally recognized expert to deliver the Peter M. Wege Lecture on Sustainability at the University of Michigan. This annual Lecture Series focuses on critical issues of sustainability and honors Peter M. Wege for his many outstanding contributions to […]