Results for research on: Food

Driving Sustainable Changes in our Food Systems

Driving Sustainable Changes in our Food Systems

This summary report includes the following feature stories: Leading the way toward food sustainability through: Exploring the benefits of buying locally grown food Taking the waste out of takeout Sowing the seeds for food system sustainability Breaking new ground in...

Local Food: Values, Politics and Business

Local Food: Values, Politics and Business

Local food initiatives have taken off across the country in recent years. Registered farmers markets, for example, expanded nationally from around 3,000 in 2000 to over 8,000 in 2012, and urban farming has exploded across neighborhoods, at schools and in healthcare...

Whole Foods: A Luxury Grocer in Detroit?

Whole Foods: A Luxury Grocer in Detroit?

Whole Foods: A Luxury Grocer in Detroit (pdf abstract) Purchase the full report on GlobaLens (Case study # 1-429-371)– published 02/2014, 16 pages. Developed by: Claire Boland, Heping (Cindy) Fu, Kristine Schantz ('16), and Daniel Voce-Gardner ('14) under the...

Revitalizing Detroit: Reflections from Tikal

Revitalizing Detroit: Reflections from Tikal

As I hiked through the towering ruins and verdant jungles of the ancient city of Tikal, it was difficult not to wonder what it must feel like to be a modern Maya; deeply aware of one’s ancestors' triumphant excesses, which led to the rise and fall of one of the great...