Results for research on: Human Development

Sustainability in the Global Marketplace: Business-Almost-as-Usual?

Sustainability in the Global Marketplace: Business-Almost-as-Usual?

This blog is cross-posted on Triple Pundit Sustainability goes mainstream, but not yet global Business sustainability has gone mainstream—at least in the developed world.  Companies tout sustainability reports; hire Chief Sustainability Officers; promote their...

Vienna Teng:  Erb Alumna, Truth Teller, and Songwriter

Vienna Teng: Erb Alumna, Truth Teller, and Songwriter

Cynthia Shih (Erb '13), a singer/songwriter performing under the name, Vienna Teng, is on an international  tour for her latest album AIMS. Having recently completed the dual-degree MBA/MS Program with the Erb Institute earlier this year she asked Andrew Hoffman (Erb...

What the government shutdown teaches millennials about advocacy

What the government shutdown teaches millennials about advocacy

This blog is cross-posted on: Many of the people who seek sustainability careers today would probably have entered politics or nonprofits in previous decades. Even those who joined nonprofits back then would likely have tried to influence public policy....

“Please hire us!”

“Please hire us!”

An argument for the career "path less traveled" on the road to a sustainable future   Robert Frost has so much to tell us about career paths in his famous poem, The Road Not Taken. Quoting from the concluding stanza: “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, 
I took...