Results for research on: Academia

Zero-Waste at the Big House: Well Worth the Effort

Zero-Waste at the Big House: Well Worth the Effort

What if we could recycle or compost 90% of the waste created every football Saturday at Michigan Stadium? The four of us spent several months asking ourselves this question, talking with counterparts from Ohio to Colorado to California to Washington. The culmination...

Why we need to stop talking about climate change – GreenBiz

Why we need to stop talking about climate change – GreenBiz

Erb Director, Andy Hoffman, and Erb Executive in Residence, Tom Catania show why a social consensus on climate change may be unnecessary to mitigate it. "It's time to call a truce in this rhetorical war, and instead look to the sidelines, where less-political business...

The Admit of Defeat in Sustainable Development

The Admit of Defeat in Sustainable Development

This article was originally published by Student Reporter on 14th of August 2012. It is republished in full with permission. Since the end of the Rio+20 Earth Summit, the general sentiment on the outcome has not been very positive, to say the least. It has been...

Emerging roles for academia, business and NGO’s from Rio +20

Emerging roles for academia, business and NGO’s from Rio +20

“Rio+20 has shown that business will have to drive the solution because we have seen that the process where governments have to come to an agreement is becoming more and more difficult. In the future, we will look back and see that this was the first time business...

Erbers push for zero-waste Football at the Big House

Erbers push for zero-waste Football at the Big House

Four Erb MBA/MS Students Jenna Agins, Catherine Dyson, Raphael Meyer & Leah Zimmerman publish a feasilibility study on reducing waste during football gamedays. With a zero-waste program at Michigan Stadium, UM Athletics could step into a position of leadership in...

UN PRME Forum Wraps Up in Rio

UN PRME Forum Wraps Up in Rio

This story is cross-posted in Network for Business Sustainability Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development 2012, Rio-Brazil In an effort to re-orient business schools’ curricula, the Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME), an academically-minded...