Sara Soderstrom – Coffee Chats with Erb students
Join Sara Soderstrom for coffee chats with students as part of the Erb Seminar Workshop Series!
Join Sara Soderstrom for coffee chats with students as part of the Erb Seminar Workshop Series!
Join Erb Faculty Director for a 20 minute talk on decision making at VinBar to celebrate the Feast of Ideas at the UMich200 Fall Festival! Click here for more details! Your Decisions: An Owner's Manual Everything happens for a reason. Sometimes the reason is, you’re not as clever as you think you are, and you make […]
Sustainability 3.0: The Convergence of Consumer Products, Technology, & Sustainability How do established companies leverage new technologies to achieve both social and shareholder value? New technologies, such as block chain, are disrupting conventional tools and strategies, creating new sustainability and business opportunities. We are at an inflection point where differentiation, technology, and impact are setting […]
Join Ouida Chichester of BSR for a breakfast with Ross BBA students! [button color ="extra-color-2" hover_text_color_override="#fff" size="small" url="" text="RSVP now!" color_override=""]
Erica is Dow Chemical’s “go to” person for sustainability reporting, having worked in a variety of technical, environmental, EH&S, and sustainability roles over the past 10 years with the company. Join her for one on one chats with Erb students!
Erica is Dow Chemical’s “go to” person for sustainability reporting, having worked in a variety of technical, environmental, EH&S, and sustainability roles over the past 10 years with the company. This will be a hands on workshop to learn from a sustainability professional working within one of the world's largest chemical companies.
Join Ouida Chichester of BSR for a workshop with Ross MBA students! [button color ="extra-color-2" hover_text_color_override="#fff" size="small" url="" text="RSVP now!" color_override=""]
Join Ouida Chichester of BSR for coffee chats with Erb Students!
Leading by Doing: How Female Supervisors Motivate Worker Productivity through Subordinate Scut Work Aruna Ranganathan is an Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior at the Stanford Graduate School of Business Abstract: Using ethnographic, personnel, and field experimental data from an Indian garment factory, this paper investigates whether manager gender affects worker productivity and if so, how. We argue that […]
Take a Stand or Keep Your Seat: Independent Director Turnover following Social Activist Challenges Outside directors play a major role in modern corporate governance by providing firms with valuable human and social capital as well as serving as the primary monitors of managers. Given their influence, researchers have been increasingly interested in understanding what motivates […]