Results for research on: Student

Sustainable Development and My Path to the Erb Institute

Sustainable Development and My Path to the Erb Institute

I left for Africa at the age of 22. What was supposed to be two years turned into nine, as I became increasingly invested in the unique challenges and opportunities I discovered around me. Working in the field of community economic development, the notion of...

Welcome to the Sustainability Community: Past, Present and Future

Welcome to the Sustainability Community: Past, Present and Future

Remarks to the Erb Class of 2017 One of the benefits of being a professor is that we forget that we are aging. Each year, we are met by a fresh crop of new students that are always the same age.  So, in effect, we are constantly surrounded by a group of people that...

Expect the Unexpected: Educating and Protecting Girls in Liberia

Expect the Unexpected: Educating and Protecting Girls in Liberia

As I entered the classroom, 26 girls between the ages of 10 and 18 chanted: “Welcome to More Than Me Academy. We are the girls of Power class, What is your name?” I answered “Marianna” and watched their charismatic teacher prompt the class to spell out my name...

Learning trust was its own prize

Learning trust was its own prize

What happens when a Cameroonian medical student, a Finnish social entrepreneur, an American public health professional, an Italian architect, and a Kenyan actor turned medical student, get together in a room?  A lot of Post-it notes, a vibrant pitch presentation, and...

PG&E: Hanging on to a ray of hope

PG&E: Hanging on to a ray of hope

PG&E: Hanging on to a Ray of Hope (pdf abstract) Purchase the full report on GlobaLens (Case study #  1-429-377)– published 02/2014, 16 pages. Developed by: Chris Wolff, Masayuki Kawasaki, Natalie Guishar, and John Serron ('16) under the supervision of Andrew...

Revitalizing Detroit: Reflections from Tikal

Revitalizing Detroit: Reflections from Tikal

As I hiked through the towering ruins and verdant jungles of the ancient city of Tikal, it was difficult not to wonder what it must feel like to be a modern Maya; deeply aware of one’s ancestors' triumphant excesses, which led to the rise and fall of one of the great...

What China teaches us about competitive advantage

What China teaches us about competitive advantage

Within a few minutes of the plane landing this past December 8, we both had stuffy noses and irritated throats. My companion and I were in Shanghai to deliver presentations at the Mobility Conference hosted by UM-SMART and UM-SJTU Joint Institute. The smog was unreal....

Hurtling Toward a Population of 9 Billion

Hurtling Toward a Population of 9 Billion

In mid September I attended the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Meeting of the New Champions in Dalian, China as a student reporter. One of the most surprising themes of the conferencewas that it may already be too late to deal with overpopulation. Johan Rockström,...