Project: Ancillary Service Revenue Opportunities from Electric Vehicles via Demand Response Client: Better Place Faculty Advisor: John DeCicco Student Group Members: Hanns Anders, MBA/MS Sustainable Systems Kripal Kavi, MBA/MS Environmental Policy and Planning Mark...
Results for research on: Student Research
Municipal Energy Efficiency Financing for Clean Energy Coalition
Project: Financing Strategies and Lessons for Municipal Energy Efficiency Client: Clean Energy Coalition Faculty Advisor: Scott Noesen Student Group Members: Andrew Lubershane, MAE/MS Sustainable Systems Michael Elchinger, Erb ’12 Ryan Flynn, Erb ’12 Graham Brown, Erb...
Algae Biofuel Systems for National Wildlife Federation
Project: The Potential for Micro-Algae and other "Micro-Crops" to Produce Sustainable Biofuels Client: National Wildlife Federation (NWF) Faculty Advisor: John DeCicco Student Group Members: Aaron Assmann, MS Conservation Biology Amy Braun, MS Environmental Policy...
Sustainable Community Systems for Mpala Wildlife Conservancy
Project: Building a Sustainable Community in Africa - Mpala Wildlife Conservancy Client: The Mpala Research Centre and The Mpala Wildlife Foundation Faculty Advisor: Don Scavia, Andy Hoffman, and Abigail Mechtenberg Student Group Members: Melissa Antokal, Erb ’12...
The Green Potential for Private Equity
How and Why Private Equity Firms Should Manage Environmental Risks and Opportunities By Annie Barton and Beth Uhlhorn, Erb '10; Faculty Advisors: Andy Hoffman and Gautam Kaul ABSTRACT: Private equity firms have recently become a target for both social and...
Renewable Energy in the California Desert: Mechanisms for Evaluating Solar Development on Public Lands
By Takahiro Isshiki, Sean Killian, and Laura Palombi, Erb '11. Faculty Advisor: Steve Yaffee Abstract: Solar energy development is experiencing significant growth today due to a variety of reasons, including national interest in increasing energy efficiency, reducing...
Dynamic Pricing Tariffs for DTE’s Residential Electricity Customers
By Arie Jongejan, Brian Katzman, Thomas Leahy, and Mark Michelin, Erb '10. Faculty Advisor: Greg Keoleian. Abstract: Despite temporal changes in wholesale electricity prices, retail prices are typically constant throughout the day. To address this economic...
Global Lithium Supplies for Electric Vehicles
Project: Global Lithium Availability: A Constraint for Electric Vehicles? Client: Ford Motor Company Faculty Advisor: Professors Gregory Keoleian and Stephen Kesler Student Group Members: Paul Gruber & Pablo Medina There is disagreement on whether the supply of...
Electric Evolution: Issues Posed and Opportunities Presented by the Emergence of the Smart Grid
Produced for and published by Vermont Energy Investment Corporation and written by David Fribush, Erb '10, Scudder Parker, and Shawn Enterline. Summary: In many ways, the U.S. electric grid is a product of evolution. Originating in the laboratories of Nikola Tesla and...
Water Resource Risk and Technology Investment under Uncertainty
By John Rice, Peter Adriaens, Gautam Kaul, Christian Lastoskie, Nate Troup, Oneida Ann Watson, and Pu Chen. Faculty Advisors: Professor Peter Adriaens, Professor Gautam Kaul, and Professor Michael Moore. In their research report, Water Resource Risk and Technology...