Erb Student Research: Contributions to Great Lakes Climate Action Study Climate action takes many forms throughout the Great Lakes region. From major cities like Chicago to the state of Michigan’s 3,288 miles of coastline—and from the Forest County Potawatomi Tribe in...
Results for research on: Student Research
Maximizing the environmental benefits of autonomous vehicles – Erb Student, Jim Gawron and Dr. Keoleian in Michigan News
ANN ARBOR—The added weight, electricity demand and aerodynamic drag of the sensors and computers used in autonomous vehicles are significant contributors to their lifetime energy use and greenhouse gas emissions, according to a new study. However, when savings from...
Leveraging the Power of Sports to Promote Sustainability
Sports organizations are increasingly leveraging their cultural and market influence to promote sustainable communities. Last month, I had the opportunity to attend the 2016 Green Sports Alliance Summit at Minute Maid Park in Houston, Texas where I heard stories on...
Erb Students featured in Chilean News for Ross MAP Solar Project
A Michigan Ross MAP team was featured in EMOL Economy for their work on a solar research project with The Chilean Association of Solar Energy (Acesol) this spring. The Ross students on the team include Nick Barrett (Erb MBA/MS '18), Andrew Dabrowski (MBA '17),...
Urban Policy and Planning in a Climate Constrained World: The Development of a Climate Action Plan in Detroit
by Jill Carlson, Jenny Cooper and Marie Donahue Cities across America and around the world are feeling the impacts of climate change, and in their long-term planning efforts should be incorporating climate change—both reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and...
MAP – Rapid Growth of Antalya, Turkey and Taxis
City of Antalya Multidisciplinary Action Project Authors: Aamer Ali, Santiago Gomez-Bernal, Shaun Herbert and Michael Rockett ('15) Faculty Advisor: Ted O'Leary Abstract: The government in Turkey had asked major cities to complete sustainable transport plans, Antalya...
Designing Innovative Corporate Water Risk Management Strategies from an Ecosystem Services Perspective
Designing Innovative Corporate Water Risk Management Strategies from an Ecosystem Services Perspective Multidisciplinary Action Project Authors: Daniel Gerding ('14), Berry Kennedy ('14), Makely Lyon ('14), Joshua Rego, and Emily Taylor ('14) Advisor: Don Scavia,...
Scaling Up Payments for Watershed Services – Opus winner!
Scaling Up Payments for Watershed Services gives readers recommendations for increasing participation in watershed conservation for non-industrial private forest landowners in the Sebago Lake Watershed, Maine. This book was the Erb Institute 2012 Best Opus Project...
Crucial Creeks Watershed Project
Client Organization: Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council Client Website: Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council SNRE Faculty Advisor: Allen Burton and Dave Allan Master Students Involved in Project: Elizabeth Lillard, MS Sustainable Systems Diana Portner, MS Behavior,...
InterNational Bank Sustainability Strategy – Integrating INB into Banorte
Client Organization: Grupo Financiero Banorte Client Contact: Jeremy Taub Client Website: Grupo Financiero Banorte SNRE Faculty Advisor: Scott Noesen Master Students Involved in Project: Daniel Gonzalez-Kreisberg (Erb '14), MBA/MS Sustainable Systems Lawrence Han...