Report: Dell: Upcycling Ocean Plastics Through Supply Chain Innovation (.pdf abstract) Purchase the full report on WDI Publishing (Case study #7-949-121) – published 06/2018, 30 pages Developed by: Daniel Partin, Luke Sawitsky, and Allison Ward. This case was...
Results for research on: Research
Activism: Help or Hindrance to Business? – former Erb Institute PostDoc, Jocelyn Leitzinger
Activists and industry For many people, the combination of activists and industry brings to mind images of protestors chanting while marching with signs and banners in front of a company’s store, headquarters or production facility. For others, it suggests the...
Seventh Generation and Unilever: Would an Acquisition Affect Sustainability? – Case Study
Report: Seventh Generation and Unilever: Would an Acquisition Affect Sustainability? (pdf abstract) Purchase the full report on WDI Publishing (Case study #1-430-507) – published 04/2017, 22 pages Developed by: Kirstie Hostetter, Cory Wydysh, Anna Hayden, and Mike...
Business Sustainability 2.0: Market Transformation (Adapted from “The Next Phase of Business Sustainability” by Andy Hoffman)
Business Sustainability 2.0: Market Transformation The concept of sustainability in business has become mainstream, and market forces have driven sustainability strategy. But, in its current form, business sustainability will not solve the root causes of the problems...
“Business and the Natural Environment” by Andy Hoffman – A Review by Judith Walls (NTU Singapore)
In Business and the Natural Environment: A Research Overview, Professors Andrew J. Hoffman and Susse Georg provide a comprehensive overview of the academic research conducted on businesses and the natural environment for the past several decades. The book describes...
“Business and the Natural Environment” by Andy Hoffman – A Review by Todd Schifeling (Temple University)
How have business scholars sought to understand the interactions between business and the natural environment, and where might the field be heading next? This concise volume by two leading scholars provides answers to these questions. The framework is the cumulation...
The Next Phase of Business Sustainability – Andy Hoffman (Stanford Social Innovation Review)
Business sustainability has come a long way, but problems such as climate change, water scarcity, species extinction, and many others continue to worsen. Fresh thought leadership from Andrew Hoffman at the Erb Institute is pivoting the thinking on how companies can...
A New Model for Building Social-Benefit Markets – Research by Jacqueline Corbett and Erb Institute Visiting Scholar, Wren Montgomery
Like all markets, social-benefit markets provide a platform for buyers and sellers to exchange commodities, but they are distinguished by their unique goal of improving social and environmental conditions. For example, most people are familiar with carbon trading...
When Does it Pay for Companies to Signal that they are “Green?” – Research by Tom Lyon, Erb Institute Faculty
The prevailing wisdom says that it pays to be green. However, some research has demonstrated negative market consequences to companies’ voluntary emissions reductions. Why is this? One answer may lie in “regulator discretion.” In “Self-Regulation and Regulatory...
Former Erb Institute EAB member authors book – “Sustainability — A Guide for Boards and C-Suites”
Sustainability - A Guide for Boards and C-Suites is a succinct business-focused summary of how business leaders should think about the risks and opportunities associated with sustainability. The book includes the Gib Hedstrom's insights not only from the approximately...