Over 2,600 exhibiting companies and 67,000 industry members attended the 2014 Natural Products Expo West in March. This international group congregated to learn, network, and arrange deals over an intense few days of activity." The exhibit was a maze of booths, each...
Results for research on: Post-Doc
Local Food: Can It Be Scaled?
https://youtu.be/5z9SF0N06QY For many people who like to buy local food, and for the farmers who prefer to sell their product directly to consumers or institutions, a big part of the attraction is the opportunity for human interaction. But as local food continues to...
Being Entrepreneurial in Your Storytelling
By: Lianne Lefsrud and Dev Jennings As a sustainability advocate, you may be a budding entrepreneur like Erb’s Bizeeboxers in FastCompany. Or you may be an intrapreneur, acting as the VP Sustainability for a Fortune 500 company. Oftentimes, your ideas are...