I am interested in working as a brand manager, internal consultant, or corporate strategist solving strategic problems that lie at the nexus of business operations and sustainable innovation. I plan to use my strengths in project management, creative problem solving,...
MBA/MS, Class of 2023 John is a dual degree in the Sustainably Systems track at SEAS and interested in innovative financial instruments to accelerate adoption of renewable energy generation and storage. He is involved with the Energy Club at Ross (ECR), a co-founder...
MBA/MS, Class of 2023 Molly is interested in working with companies to make their supply chains more sustainable, both from an environmental and a social perspective. She comes to Ross and SEAS with roughly a decade of experience within the realm of migration and...
MBA/MS, Class of 2023 Max is passionate about using investment capital to drive environmental sustainability, and will explore this passion as a member of the Social Venture Fund. Prior to Erb he spent 5+ years working at Deloitte in San Francisco, first in Audit and...
MBA/MS, Class of 2023 I am a dual-degree student at the University of Michigan’s Erb Institute for Global Sustainable Enterprise, pursuing my MBA from the Ross School of Business and MS from the School for Environment and Sustainability. I am committed to working with...
MBA/MS, Class of 2023 As a food scientist, I see immense opportunities to combine the technical aspects of the industry with the change potential of business practices to tackle the food waste challenges across the food supply chain. The Erb program is the ideal...
MBA/MS, Class of 2023 Olivia joins the Erb Institute after 4 years of working as a Strategy Consultant, focused on business model innovation and strategy development in the future of mobility and energy. This work has cemented a passion for pursuing a career at the...