Results for research on: Alumni

Erb Student Co-authors First US Dairy Sustainability Report

Erb Student Co-authors First US Dairy Sustainability Report

Katie O'Hare, Erb '11 interned with the Innovation Center for US Dairy, where she led a project team to create the first sustainability progress report for the dairy industry. "For centuries, dairy families and businesses have had a proud legacy of providing...

Ross Responds

Ross Responds

Breaking the conventional MBA model,  Adam Carver and Rosemary Lapka, both Erb ’12,  co-founded Ross Responds to provide volunteer expertise for organizations with social corporate missions. Like many MBA students preparing to enter Ross, dualdegree candidates Adam...

Wello WaterWheel Garners Awards

Wello WaterWheel Garners Awards

Erb Entrepreneurs Cynthia Koenig, Erb '11 and Colm Fay, Erb '12 launch award winning social venture helping people to transport safe drinking water in areas where it is not readily available. "There’s beauty in simplicity. Just ask entrepreneur Cynthia Koenig, MBA/MS...

Climate Corps Interns

Erb Climate Corps Interns at the nexus of business and environment. EDF’s innovative Climate Corps program embeds top MBA students in leading companies to make the business case for energy efficiency. People often remark about the incredible amount of financial...

Honest Tea: Sell Up or Sell Out?

Honest Tea: Sell Up or Sell Out?

Honest Tea: Sell Up or Sell Out? (pdf abstract) Purchase the full report on Honest Tea: Sell Up or Sell Out? (Case study #1-428-947) – published  09/2010, 22 pages. By: Lauren Start, Tina Tam, David Weinglass, and Ryan Whisnant, under the supervision of Professor...