Results for research on: Student Research

Creating A REDD+ Architecture For Mexico

Creating A REDD+ Architecture For Mexico

Client Organization: The Mexican Fund for the Conservation of Nature, A.C. Client Website: The Mexican Fund for the Conservation of Nature, A.C. SNRE Faculty Advisor:  Bill Currie Master Students Involved in Project:  Hannah Erickson, MS Environmental Policy and...

Erb Entrepreneurs at the Michigan Business Challenge

Erb Entrepreneurs at the Michigan Business Challenge

Grant Hughes ('13) and his business partner Cavan Canavan from Focus won the $20,000 Pryor-Hale Award for Best Business. Focus is a digital personal trainer integrated into a wristwatch-like device capable of automatically recording repetitions, sets, rest periods,...

Erb team wins 2nd place at Renewable Energy Case Competition!

Erb team wins 2nd place at Renewable Energy Case Competition!

Jonathan Huynh (Erb '13), Mike Wohl (Erb '13), Lawrence Han (Erb '14) and Therese Miranda (Erb '15) were on the team that took 2nd place.  Congratulations! This is the first time Ross has placed at the case competition, which involves students from across the country...

Michigan Green Communities

Michigan Green Communities

Project: Michigan Green Communities: Strengthening Municipal Sustainability Practices through Statewide Network Building Client: Michigan Green Communities Faculty Advisor: Josh Newell Student Group Members: Benjamin Bunker, Antonia Chan, Andrew Fang, Seth Federspiel,...

Deschutes River Corridor and Its Water

Deschutes River Corridor and Its Water

Project: Value of Natural Resources: Deschutes River Corridor and Its Water Client: Trout Unlimited Faculty Advisor: Dr. William Currie Student Group Members: Brian Hartmann, Erb '12 Michael Kasameyer, Erb '12 Nathan Springer, Erb '11 The Deschutes River in Central...