Report: The Challenges of Transparency: Communicating the Pebble Mine Project to the Public (pdf abstract) Purchase the full report on WDI Publishing (Case study #1-430-511) – published 04/2017, 16 pages Developed by: Oliver Harfield, Tara Mahon, Tom Van Heeke, and...
Results for research on: Research
Cracking the Egg Industry: Hampton Creek Tries a Vegan Take on Classic Mayo
Report: Cracking the Egg Industry: Hampton Creek Tries a Vegan Take on Classic Mayo (pdf abstract) Purchase the full report on WDI Publishing (Case study #1-430-509) – published 04/2017, 14 pages Developed by: Kathleen Carroll, Yu-Han Cheng, Albany Eckert, and Chase...
Seventh Generation and Unilever: Would an Acquisition Affect Sustainability?
Report: Seventh Generation and Unilever: Would an Acquisition Affect Sustainability? (pdf abstract) Purchase the full report on WDI Publishing (Case study #1-430-507) – published 04/2017, 18 pages Developed by: Kirstie Hostetter, Cory Wydysh, Anna Hayden and Mike...
Breaking Ground: Method and the Brownfield vs. Greenfield Debate
Report: Breaking Ground: Method and the Brownfield vs. Greenfield Debate (pdf abstract) Purchase the full report on WDI Publishing (Case study #1-430-482) – published 04/2017, 18 pages Developed by: Natalie Payer, Dayna Sason, Mark Green, and Edouard Bapst....
Erb Faculty Director, Joe Arvai among climate experts advancing knowledge of sea level projections –
In a compelling analysis of the factors that affect how much the ocean will rise along California's coast in coming decades, a seven-member team of experts led by UC Santa Cruz geologist Gary Griggs has issued a report on the best-available sea-level rise science. The...
Sustainability and Post-Merger Integration: The Dow Chemical Company’s 2009 Acquisition of Rohm & Haas
Report: Sustainability and Post-Merger Integration: The Dow Chemical Company’s 2009 Acquisition of Rohm & Haas (pdf abstract) Purchase the full report on WDI Publishing (Case study #1-430-512) – published 03/2017, 24 pages Developed by: Sachiko Graber and Monika...
The Importance of Framing in Presenting Numbers
Research from the University of Michigan’s Erb Institute has found that the careful selection of numerical frames in communications regarding prosocial or socially responsible behaviors can make these communications more persuasive. When people hear statistics, it’s...
Why Trump’s vow to kill Obama’s sustainability agenda will lead business to step in and save it – The Conversation
Read the original article: The Conversation During the campaign, then-candidate Donald Trump called climate change a hoax, threatened to dismantle the Environmental Protection Agency, committed to easing restrictions on drilling and mining on federal lands, and...
Communicating about Climate Change with Corporate Leaders and Stakeholders
Climate Science - Oxford Research Encyclopedias Andy Hoffman, Erb Faculty Member on Climate Change communication: Within the corporate sector, climate change represents an unfolding market shift, one that is driven by policy but also by pressures from a variety of...
Why Companies are becoming B Corporations
Published in the Harvard Business Review, June 17, 2016. The landscape of American corporations is changing. Since the financialization of the economy in the late 1970s, corporate governance practices have tightly linked the purpose of business with maximizing...