Current efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change might not succeed in time to avoid dangerous consequences. One option to fight climate change—often discussed within scientific circles, but still relatively unknown among the general public—is solar radiation...
Results for research on: Research
Cargill: The Risky Business of Integrating Climate Change and Corporate Strategy
Report: Cargill: The Risky Business of Integrating Climate Change and Corporate Strategy (pdf abstract) Purchase the full report on WDI Publishing (Case study #1-430-506) – published 04/2017, 14 pages Developed by: Whitney Augustine, Kimberly Kennedy, and Jon Moss....
Climate Debate and the McKibben Effect – New Research by Erb Faculty, Hoffman and former Erb Postdoc, Schifeling
Is there a McKibben Effect — a radical flank effect on the US climate debate? And is it positive or negative? - Vox (Abridged version of Vox article) New research by Todd Schifeling, former Erb-Institute Postdoctoral fellow (of Temple University) and Andy Hoffman (Erb...
Does Education Matter in Sustainability Communication? – Research from New Erb Postdoc, Caitlin Drummond
It's well known that some of the biggest issues of our time are polarized along religious or political lines, meaning that people with different religious and political affiliations tend to have different beliefs on these issues. A new paper by Erb Institute...
Erb Faculty Director, Joe Arvai part of scientific group suggesting reframing of Climate Assessments – IOPscience
Erb faculty director, Joe Arvai among experts suggesting that a reframing is necessary to provide actionable information for improved business sustainability outcomes. Climate change is increasingly being framed as a risk management problem to both businesses and...
“Interdisciplinary systems promote sustainability in higher ed” – (Education Dive)
At a time when society continues to question whether a college education is worth the investment, such multidisciplinary centers that connect faculty and students across subject areas might even “represent a possible future for universities,” suggests Andrew J....
Climate Change and the Napa Valley Wine Industry
Report: Climate Change and the Napa Valley Wine Industry (pdf abstract) Purchase the full report on WDI Publishing (Case study #1-430-510) – published 04/2017, 22 pages[/text-with-icon] Developed by: Alex Engel, Robert Meyer, and Sarah Perry. This case was...
How Do We Get There? EDF Manages a New Diversity Plan
Report: How Do We Get There? EDF Manages a New Diversity Plan (pdf abstract) Purchase the full report on WDI Publishing (Case study #1-430-503) – published 04/2017, 20 pages Developed by: Chris Affeldt, Hannah Sherman, Richa Yadav, and Brandon List. This case was...
Ending the Woes of Short-Termism: Eric Ries and the Long-Term Stock Exchange
Report: Ending the Woes of Short-Termism: Eric Ries and the Long-Term Stock Exchange (pdf abstract) Purchase the full report on WDI Publishing (Case study #1-430-504) – published 04/2017, 22 pages Developed by: Anna Norman, Olexandr Spasov, Nathan Brougher, and...
Erb Faculty Member, Andy Hoffman authors chapter in State of the World’s EarthEd
EARTHED: RETHINKING EDUCATION ON A CHANGING PLANET (2017) With global environmental changes locked into our future, what we teach must evolve. All education will need to be environmental education, but environmental education cannot focus solely on teaching everyone...