MBA/MS, Class of 2023
Results for research on: Human Rights
Molly Barstow
MBA/MS, Class of 2023 Molly is interested in working with companies to make their supply chains more sustainable, both from an environmental and a social perspective. She comes to Ross and SEAS with roughly a decade of experience within the realm of migration and...
Nicholas Galvin
MBA/MS, Class of 2022 Nick is excited to join the Erb Institute, where he is focusing on business collaboration and decision making for sustainability along value chains. Nick hails from Seattle, Washington, and earned a B.S. in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry...
Elliott Schwab
MBA/MS, Class of 2021 Elliott comes to the Erb Institute with a passion for sustainable international development. He has worked with public and private clients while working as a change management consultant with a technology consulting firm, and program development...
How is your business making an impact? Share your ideas!
Is your business doing something really great on the journey to sustainability? Or maybe you have an idea you'd like to try but are not sure how? Share here, in this open forum, ways you see to accelerate the pace at which we're having an impact. We can learn from...
BSR’s Ouida Chichester talks business and human rights
The Erb Institute sat down with Erb Seminar speaker and BSR Manager Ouida Chichester to talk about the business case for human rights. Through her work with BSR, Ouida has worked with many companies to improve their human rights policies. In the video, she digs into...
Shifting toward business practices to address human rights: A Q&A with Caroline Rees
Shift is the leading center of expertise on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. As a mission-driven organization, Shift works with companies, governments and other agents of change—around the globe—to help build a world where business gets done...
Women’s Entrepreneurial Empowerment in Ecuador | Erb Institute Impact Project
Earlier this year, Erb Institute student, Chris Owen, MBA/MS 2020, worked with Casa María Amor in Cuenca, Ecuador for an Erb Institute Impact Project. Casa María Amor is a women’s shelter hidden on the outskirts of Cuenca in a crevice of the Andes Mountains. It...
Creative financing for developing microgrids in Puerto Rico
In the wake of Hurricanes Irma and Maria in the fall of 2017, more than 3 million Americans were left without power across Puerto Rico. It took nearly 11 months for the local utility to restore power in some cases. During the hurricanes’ immediate aftermath, numerous...