Designing Innovative Corporate Water Risk Management Strategies from an Ecosystem Services Perspective Multidisciplinary Action Project Authors: Daniel Gerding ('14), Berry Kennedy ('14), Makely Lyon ('14), Joshua Rego, and Emily Taylor ('14) Advisor: Don Scavia,...
Results for research on: Global Change
U-M REFRESCH Program Explores Appropriate Technologies for Resource-Challenged Regions
The Erb Institute has successfully partnered with several U-M institute and departments on a grant proposal under the provost's Third Century Initiative. REFRESCH (Researching Fresh Solutions to the Energy/Water/Food Challenge in Resource-Constrained Environments)...
Environmental assessment of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles using naturalistic drive cycles and vehicle travel patterns: A Michigan case study
Environmental assessment of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles using naturalistic drive cycles and vehicle travel patterns: A Michigan case study (html) Authors: Brandon M. Marshall, Jarod C. Kelly, Tae-Kyung Lee, Gregory A. Keoleian, Zoran Filipi Publication: Energy...
Scaling Up Payments for Watershed Services – Opus winner!
Scaling Up Payments for Watershed Services gives readers recommendations for increasing participation in watershed conservation for non-industrial private forest landowners in the Sebago Lake Watershed, Maine. This book was the Erb Institute 2012 Best Opus Project...
Covaron Advanced Materials places 1st in Walmart Business Plan Challenge
Erb student, Cameron Smith ('13) and business partner Vince Alessi win first place in the Walmart Business Plan Challenge earlier this month. Read more about Covaron Advanced Materials
Crucial Creeks Watershed Project
Client Organization: Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council Client Website: Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council SNRE Faculty Advisor: Allen Burton and Dave Allan Master Students Involved in Project: Elizabeth Lillard, MS Sustainable Systems Diana Portner, MS Behavior,...
INVEST Ecosystem Services Valuation With The Natural Capital Project
Client Organization: The Natural Capital Project Client Website: The Natural Capital Project SNRE Faculty Advisors: Michael Moore and Allen Burton Master Students Involved in Project: Martha Campbell (Erb '13), MBA/MS Sustainable Systems Kirsten Howard, MS...
Creating A REDD+ Architecture For Mexico
Client Organization: The Mexican Fund for the Conservation of Nature, A.C. Client Website: The Mexican Fund for the Conservation of Nature, A.C. SNRE Faculty Advisor: Bill Currie Master Students Involved in Project: Hannah Erickson, MS Environmental Policy and...
Climate Science as Culture War Wins Maggie Award
Erb Director, Andy Hoffman's article, Climate Science as Culture War in the Stanford Social Innovation Review wins a Maggie Award for Best Feature Article (circulation under 50,000- Trade) from the Western Publishing Association (WPA). Read more: 079 Best Feature...
Andy Hoffman tackles business innovation, the role of global markets and the carbon tax on Australian television and radio
Andy Hoffman tackles business innovation, the role of global markets and the carbon tax on Australian television and radio. Check out the interviews: Radio Interview: Very fast trains, solar planes and what Business can do for climate action