In Business and the Natural Environment: A Research Overview, Professors Andrew J. Hoffman and Susse Georg provide a comprehensive overview of the academic research conducted on businesses and the natural environment for the past several decades. The book describes...
Results for research on: Erb Chaired Faculty
“Business and the Natural Environment” by Andy Hoffman – A Review by Todd Schifeling (Temple University)
How have business scholars sought to understand the interactions between business and the natural environment, and where might the field be heading next? This concise volume by two leading scholars provides answers to these questions. The framework is the cumulation...
The Next Phase of Business Sustainability – Andy Hoffman (Stanford Social Innovation Review)
Business sustainability has come a long way, but problems such as climate change, water scarcity, species extinction, and many others continue to worsen. Fresh thought leadership from Andrew Hoffman at the Erb Institute is pivoting the thinking on how companies can...
Supporting Employees in Enacting Sustainable Change – Here’s How! Article courtesy of NBS on Research by Soderstrom and Schifeling
What 840 “Employees” Say about Creating Change Think interns aren’t like other types of employees? Think again. Since 2008, 840 graduate students have spent a summer working on corporate environmental and sustainability projects as fellows in the EDF Climate...
Maximizing the environmental benefits of autonomous vehicles – Erb Student, Jim Gawron and Dr. Keoleian in Michigan News
ANN ARBOR—The added weight, electricity demand and aerodynamic drag of the sensors and computers used in autonomous vehicles are significant contributors to their lifetime energy use and greenhouse gas emissions, according to a new study. However, when savings from...
Erb Institute Faculty Member, Tom Lyon Teaches Course in Shanghai on Corporate Environmentalism
Dr. Thomas P. Lyon recently taught a short course at Shanghai Jiao Tong University on Corporate Environmentalism and Public Policy. Lyon holds the Dow Chair of Sustainable Science, Technology and Commerce, with appointments in both the University of Michigan’s Ross...
Business Sustainability Impact through Executive Education – An interview with Erica Ocampo, Sustainability Strategy Manager, Dow
Dow recognized that it is often challenging for employees to see the impact that their day to day job has on the overall sustainability performance of the company. As such, Dow needed to find a way to bridge this gap and mobilize employees at the individual level as...
Erb faculty member, Tom Lyon Weighs in on Secretary Zinke’s Proposals for Offshore Drilling – Knowledge@Wharton
Tom Lyon guest interview with Dan Loney on Knowledge@Wharton (Business radio Sirius XM111). Let’s start with your reaction to this possibility of selling new leases on sectors in the ocean and places along the Atlantic or Pacific coast. Could we see more...
When Does it Pay for Companies to Signal that they are “Green?” – Research by Tom Lyon, Erb Institute Faculty
The prevailing wisdom says that it pays to be green. However, some research has demonstrated negative market consequences to companies’ voluntary emissions reductions. Why is this? One answer may lie in “regulator discretion.” In “Self-Regulation and Regulatory...
Sustainable Development in Cuba: The Erb Institute Partners with the RISDoC Initiative
The RISDoC Partnership: The Brooking's Institute, the Erb Institute and National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) came together to support the Cuban government and enterprise leaders in achieving optimum sustainability outcomes and contribute to global...