Climate change is the reality we live in, and despite the combined actions of our global community, it continues to outpace our efforts. At the Erb Institute, we understand the daunting challenges that climate change presents—and the true potential of business to...
Results for research on: Corporate Governance
“America First, Environment Last? Examining the EPA in the Trump Era” – WNYC Radio
Erb Faculty Director, Joe Arvai among those interviewed to answer this question. Listen here 24:30 to hear Joe Arvai's thoughts.
“EPA dismisses half of key board’s scientific advisers” – (Washington Post)
"Joe Arvai, a member of the Scientific Advisory Board who directs the University of Michigan’s Erb Institute for Global Sustainable Enterprise, said in an email that Pruitt and his colleagues should keep in mind that the board’s membership, just like its standing and...
Erb Institute Managing Director, Terry Nelidov, “Countdown to Redefining the Good Life”
Countdown to Redefining the Good Life by Allison BurtkaThe Sustainable Brands SB’17 conference is coming to Detroit soon—on May 22. The Erb Institute is a Sustainable Brands Conference Partner for this event, and the institute helped bring the conference to Detroit....
Ending the Woes of Short-Termism: Eric Ries and the Long-Term Stock Exchange
Report: Ending the Woes of Short-Termism: Eric Ries and the Long-Term Stock Exchange (pdf abstract) Purchase the full report on WDI Publishing (Case study #1-430-504) – published 04/2017, 22 pages Developed by: Anna Norman, Olexandr Spasov, Nathan Brougher, and...
The Challenges of Transparency: Communicating the Pebble Mine Project to the Public
Report: The Challenges of Transparency: Communicating the Pebble Mine Project to the Public (pdf abstract) Purchase the full report on WDI Publishing (Case study #1-430-511) – published 04/2017, 16 pages Developed by: Oliver Harfield, Tara Mahon, Tom Van Heeke, and...
Cracking the Egg Industry: Hampton Creek Tries a Vegan Take on Classic Mayo
Report: Cracking the Egg Industry: Hampton Creek Tries a Vegan Take on Classic Mayo (pdf abstract) Purchase the full report on WDI Publishing (Case study #1-430-509) – published 04/2017, 14 pages Developed by: Kathleen Carroll, Yu-Han Cheng, Albany Eckert, and Chase...
Being the Change: MBA Students Reflect on Natural Foods Industry Trends
At Expo West, the largest natural foods conference held each year in the United States, the conventional rules about food do not apply. Attendees will find bugs in their food, sample snacks that producers proudly note are “alive,” and try vegan burgers that bleed. I...
Seventh Generation and Unilever: Would an Acquisition Affect Sustainability?
Report: Seventh Generation and Unilever: Would an Acquisition Affect Sustainability? (pdf abstract) Purchase the full report on WDI Publishing (Case study #1-430-507) – published 04/2017, 18 pages Developed by: Kirstie Hostetter, Cory Wydysh, Anna Hayden and Mike...
Wall Street Green Finance Summit
At the 16th Wall Street Green Summit in New York in March, I heard from 100 sustainability leaders, as well as financiers, lawyers and government leaders such as Catherine McKenna, Canada’s Minister of Environment and Climate Change, about the latest trends in...