Results for research on: consulting

Madhavi Rao

Madhavi Rao

MBA/MS, Class of 2014 Adept in driving value for clients by designing market-shifting solutions from the ground up, Madhavi is a thoughtful, human-centered strategist committed to creating equitable, sustainable products, services and experiences that make life better...

Carolina Fernandez Maestri

Carolina Fernandez Maestri

MBA/MS, Class of 2018 Results-oriented professional with over 7 years of experience in consulting, publicly traded and privately held companies, with a strong interest in impact and a passion towards strategy. Proven track record of initiating and leading...

Snapshots From the Open Road

Snapshots From the Open Road

By Anita Lin After our first year of business school, my three teammates and I set off for a month-long road trip. We started in our backyard city of Detroit and made our way over to the St. Paul, Minn., area, Fargo, N.D., and Minneapolis. We drove the 1100+ miles in...

With sustainability, it takes a village

With sustainability, it takes a village

Sustainability is hard work. And, to borrow from the child-rearing adage, it takes a village. That has never been more clear to me than it was at the 2015 Business for Social Responsibility (BSR) Conference, titled “Resilient Business, Resilient World.” The annual BSR...

Should Corporations Promote Development?

Should Corporations Promote Development?

by Santiago Bunce This week we open a parenthesis in our 7 post series about the positive impacts of BoP strategies to take a look at cases where profits trump development goals. So far we have argued that offering products and services in BoP markets not only...

The Business Case for BoP Strategies

The Business Case for BoP Strategies

By Santiago Bunce Welcome back to this seven-part blog series: Social Enterprise: Understanding the Base of the Pyramid. This week, in our second post, we are exploring the business case for engaging the market at the base. Specifically, we’ll take a look at a leading...

External Advisory Board member featured in Forbes magazine

External Advisory Board member featured in Forbes magazine

Erb External Advisory Board member, Lauren Bigelow, is featured in Forbes magazine. "Lauren Bigelow is the CEO of the Growth Capital Network (GCN) which does project management, evaluative and analytical work. But what she really does is help connect entrepreneurs and...