Results for research on: Climate

Blog on the Morality of Climate Change featured in New York Times

Blog on the Morality of Climate Change featured in New York Times

A blog written by Erb Faculty Director, Andy Hoffman and Erb Student, Jenna White was featured by Andrew Revkin, in the New York Times Op-Ed.  The blog discussed the framing of climate change as a moral issue. Read "The pope as messenger: making climate change a moral...

Sustainability Cases Attract Global Audience

Sustainability Cases Attract Global Audience

Sustainability Cases Attract Global Audience Students at U-M and other top universities, including Northwestern University, University of Virginia and University of California, Berkeley, are benefiting from a substantial and growing catalog of Erb branded case studies...

How Culture Shapes the Climate Change Debate

How Culture Shapes the Climate Change Debate

How Culture Shapes the Climate Change Debate By: Graham Sustainability Institute Education Director and Former Erb Faculty Director, Andrew Hoffman Stanford University Press, 2015 Book description: Though the scientific community largely agrees that climate change is...

Why Systems Thinking is the Next Step in Sustainability

Why Systems Thinking is the Next Step in Sustainability

Erb Faculty Director, Andy Hoffman unpacts his and John Ehrenfeld's analysis of the fourth wave in the sustainability movement: Systems Thinking. Read more about Why Systems Thinking is the Next Step in Sustainability

What’s in a Word? Politics of “Climate Change”

What’s in a Word? Politics of “Climate Change”

Andy Hoffman, Faculty Member of the Erb Institute and John Flesher, Environmental Reporter from the Associated Press discuss the politics of climate change and how people, communities and companies are approaching the subject and it's significance. Listen to the...