Erb Faculty Director, Joe Arvai was published in Environmental Science & Technology A Decision Support Framework for Developing Regional Energy Strategies In an effort to reduce “carbon pollution” as well as prepare the U.S. for the impacts of climate change,...
Results for research on: Climate Change
Reflections on a Theory of Change
Remarks at the 2013 Erb Institute Holiday Gathering What is our theory of change? It is an important question, and one that I have been pondering over the past few months. We all have a theory of change. When we ask our partner to change dinner plans for the evening;...
Risky business? How about Republicans & Democrats cooperating to assess economic risks of climate change
Republican Hank Paulson, former CEO of Goldman and a Bush Treasury Secretary, Hedge fund billionaire Democrat Tom Steyer, and Democrat-Republican-Independent Michael Bloomberg are teaming on the project “Risky Business” to assess the economic impacts of climate change...
Travelers Insurance: Focusing on Climate Change and Natural Catastrophe Risk
Travelers Insurance: Focusing on Climate Change and Natural Catastrophe Risk (pdf abstract) Purchase the full report on GlobaLens (Case study # 1-429-347)– published 07/2013, 28 pages. Developed by: Jonathan Huynh ('13), David Wang ('15), Jay Wolfgram ('15), and...
US Climate Action Partnership Version 2.0
This blog is cross posted on the SustainAbility Blog The US Climate Action Partnership (USCAP), once the primary spokesman for the corporate sector on climate change in Washington, has gone dormant. Why? The reasons are multiple. Climate legislation is a nonstarter in...
The How and Why of Creating Social Consensus on Climate Change: What’s next?
My mind is still racing from a very exciting and ground-breaking conference that the Erb Institute co-hosted this past weekend with the Union of Concerned Scientists. So much so, that I want to share some of it with you. In doing so, my hope is that you will respond...
Are academic scholars “lost to the academy”? A call for more public intellectuals in the climate change debate
This blog was originally posted on the Network for Business Sustainability Blog To a large degree, the public is scientifically illiterate. And that illiteracy is driving the social debate over climate change, much to the dismay of physical and social scientists...
Why Do States Adopt Renewable Portfolio Standards?
Why Do States Adopt Renewable Portfolio Standards?: An Empirical Investigation Thomas P. Lyon, University of Michigan Haitao Yin, Shanghai Jiao Tong University The Energy Journal 31 by the IAEE: 131-155. Renewable portfolio standards (RPSs) for electricity generation...
Sustainable Business News – Global Change – 4/7/2018 – 4/13/2018
Each week, the Erb Institute shares a collection of news and updates regarding business sustainability. This month, the Erb Institute blog and social media are focusing on one of the Erb Institute thought leadership areas: Global change. Sustainable Business News –...