I wish I had counted the number of perplexed looks I received this summer after describing my summer internship. Upon learning that I was an Erber, people would quickly assume “Interesting! So are you working in sustainability?” To which I would respond, “Not exactly....
Results for research on: Academia
The Climate Change Debate and Pope Francis’ Encyclical – (The Conversation)
Erb Faculty Director Andy Hoffman says the Encyclical on climate change could be a 'game changer'. Read more about this topic in recent The Conversation article by Andy Hoffman and Erb student Jenna White titled "The pope as a messenger: making climate change a moral...
Knowledge as a Driver of Public Perceptions about Climate Change Reassessed
The role of "culture" in the climate change debate isn't all it's cracked up to be. Erb Faculty Director, Joe Arvai published in Nature Climate Change There's an emerging body of research suggesting that how much people know about climate change is unrelated to how...
American Universities: Reclaiming our Role in Society
American universities are facing a crisis of relevance. There is, quite simply, a growing tension between their internal cultures and their role within society. But the good news is that a growing number of us academics are taking this issue head on, exploring a...
Erb Faculty Member on “Why People Reject Climate Change” (Bloomberg Radio)
Former Erb Faculty Director, Andy Hoffman was interviewed by Kathleen Hays and Vonnie Quinn on Hays Advantage about "why people reject climate change" while speaking at the Bloomberg New Energy Finance Conference on April 13, 2015. Listen to the interview on "Why...
Blog on the Morality of Climate Change featured in New York Times
A blog written by Erb Faculty Director, Andy Hoffman and Erb Student, Jenna White was featured by Andrew Revkin, in the New York Times Op-Ed. The blog discussed the framing of climate change as a moral issue. Read "The pope as messenger: making climate change a moral...
California’s Water Restrictions and Business Sustainability – NPR Marketplace
Erb Faculty Director, Andy Hoffman spoke on Marketplace NPR about the recent water restrictions in California and how markets could react to water saving toilets and faucets. Listen to and read the article online
Institutional Theory and the National Environment: Research in (and on) the Anthropocene
By: Andrew Hoffman and P. Devereaux Jennings Published in Organization & Environment, March 2015 Abstract: This review article summarizes some of the main tenets of institutional theory as they apply to the domain of organization and the natural environment...
Erb Associate Director of Research Featured for Keynote Speech at GlobalChem Conference
Erb Associate Director of Research, Tom Lyon was featured in the Chemical Regulation Reporter for his keynote speech at the 2015 GlobalChem Conference on "Data disclosure, public pressure said to play key roles in chemical makers' pollution cuts". The featured article...
Sustainability: How to Get from Here to There
Erb Faculty Director, Andy Hoffman wrote an article in Leadership Excellence on the theory of change for sustainability with steps for how it can be achieved. The outlined steps are as follows: first, understanding the current realities; second, a clear vision for a...