Panikos Georgallis
Associate Professor of Strategy
Amsterdam Business School, University of Amsterdam (UvA)
Panikos Georgallis is an Associate Professor of Strategy at the Amsterdam Business School, University of Amsterdam (UvA). Prior to this appointment at UvA, he was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Michigan and a Lecturer of Sustainable Enterprise at the University of Surrey. He holds a PhD in Strategic Management from HEC Paris.
Panikos’ current research examines interactions between organizations and social movements, firm responses to climate change, and the emergence of moral markets. His earlier work at the intersection of strategy, sustainability, and organization theory has been published in leading journals such as Administrative Science Quarterly, Organization Science, and Journal of International Business Studies among others. His papers have received several best paper awards and finalist positions at AOM and other major conferences, and his research has been covered in practitioner and policy outlets (e.g. EU Research Journal, Open Access Government, The Gulf Times, LSE Business Review).