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Faculty News
What does society look like in the future of the Anthropocene? A Q&A with Andy Hoffman
We have entered a new geologic epoch, called the Anthropocene, that recognizes people’s effect on the Earth’s ecosystems—harming them in ways that are likely irreversible. So what will Anthropocene society look like in the future? Erb faculty member Andrew Hoffman and...
Ross Professor: There’s Something Terribly Wrong With How We Make Decisions About Climate Change
For over two decades, Joe Árvai has studied how we actually make choices — compared to how we think we make them. It will come as no surprise to even the most casual observers that the gulf between them can be large. In a recent study, Árvai and Douglas Bessette of...
The faculty member who fights fake news – Erb Institute faculty Andy Hoffman in La Nación
Andy Hoffman teaches business and sustainability courses at the University of Michigan and studies cultural issues and the knowledge that impacts decisions. He visited Costa Rica and spoke with Irene Rodríguez S. at ‘La Nación’. Translated to English from the...
Why sustainability should include political activity – Professor Tom Lyon in the California Management Review
Why sustainability should include political activity Professor Tom Lyon in the California Management ReviewCorporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability initiatives have gone mainstream, but they are missing something important: They ignore corporations’...
When you realize, it’s not just you. – Shedding light on gender and navigating academia
Or how two professors are bringing awareness and a voice to gender issues in higher education: Erb Staffer Carolyn Kwant talks with Sara Soderstrom, Asst. Professor, University of Michigan and Maria Farkas, Asst. Professor, Department of Management, Imperial College...
Shutdown’s economic impact is a forceful reminder of why government matters — Andy Hoffman in The Conversation
As the United States endures the longest shutdown in its history, Americans are getting a taste of life without government. The absence of some services are clearly visible, such as a buildup of trash at national parks or longer lines at airport security checkpoints....
Erb faculty director, Joe Árvai talks metrics at Innovation Forum: Measuring business outcomes and impacts, and capacity building
The Erb Institute partnered with Innovation Forum during their recent visit to Detroit, Oct. 2-3rd, for their conference on "How business can measure the impact—and ROI—of corporate sustainability." The conference delved into the best ways to assess materiality, build...
What Does It Really Mean When We Call Something “Sustainable”? – Andy Hoffman quoted in FASHION
And should we stop? Think of all the terms that have cropped up over the past several decades or so to describe the environmental movement. Reduce, reuse, recycle. Low footprint. Zero footprint. Zero waste. Going green. (NB: not the same as “going clear.”)...
Rising insurance costs may convince Americans that climate change risks are real – Andy Hoffman in The Conversation
One of the great challenges of tackling climate change is making it real for people without a scientific background. That’s because the threat it poses can be so hard to see or feel. In the wake of Hurricanes Florence and Michael, for example, one may be compelled to...
Sustainability, commerce and economics: How to create the right balance – Andy Hoffman quoted in Business Today
We may be losing the war against climate change, as we fail to approach sustainability-related issues in the right manner. Read the article in Business Today In a recent article 'The Invisible Hand Won't Solve the Climate Crisis. Capitalism Must Evolve', US professor...
Andrew J. Hoffman delivers 2018 Convocation Address at Loyola University Chicago
On August 24, 2018, Andrew J. Hoffman, the Holcim (US) Professor of Sustainable Enterprise at the University of Michigan, delivered the Convocation Address at Loyola University Chicago to 3,250 students and 250 faculty members. “First-Year Text” is an initiative that...
Nobel award recognizes how economic forces can fight climate change – Andy Hoffman in The Conversation
Co-authored by Andy Hoffman and Ellen Hughes-Cromwick Yale economist William Nordhaus has devoted his life’s work to understanding the costs of climate change and advocating the use of a carbon tax to curb global warming. It’s no small irony, then, that on the same...