Hi from Askov, Denmark, I am admittedly still very jet lagged (and writing emails at 3 a.m.), but I'm excited to be diving into the reason that we're here—coming up with new ideas for long-standing problems! I was selected to be a part of the Circular Economy and...
Results for research on: Student Experience
Letters from UNLEASH 2017 – Erb Student, Jim Gawron
Hello from Ann Arbor! It is hard to believe that two weeks ago, we were just beginning our UNLEASH adventures. I had the opportunity to reflect on my experience, and I have come to realize how big of an impact UNLEASH has had on me. It was inspiring to see 1,000...
Diving deep into human rights in Barcelona
Doing Good Doing Well is a conference run by students at IESE Business School in Spain. As Erb students, we were excited to be invited to present a workshop at the conference in February. Doing Good Doing Well is the largest student-run conference in Europe. It brings...