Raphael Meyer
Raphael (Phel) is passionate about reducing waste and finding new uses for what is currently considered worthless. As a student, he promoted sustainability on the uMich campus, serving as a board member of the Student Sustainability Initiative, co-authoring a feasibility assessment making the case for zero-waste football games at Michigan Stadium, and starting a reusable takeout container program at the U-Club cafe. He interned with Business for Social Responsibility (BSR), a sustainability consulting firm, and with the non-profit Environmental Defense Fund (EDF). Phel also engaged in a master’s project with Recreational Equipment, Inc. (REI), designing a strategy for REI to manage toxic chemicals in its operations. Prior to joining Erb, Phel spent several years as an IT consultant with Accenture and also took time off to help grow a volunteer organization working for social and environmental justice in Argentinian Patagonia. Phel was born in France, grew up in California, graduated from U.C. Berkeley with a B.S. in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, and, if not with his family and friends, can usually be found cooking, hiking, snowboarding, traveling, or eating chocolate.