Erb Faculty Member, Andy Hoffman in the Journal of Change Management Abstract Universities are facing a crisis of relevance. While there are multiple reasons for this to be happening, one that deserves particular attention is the extent to which academic scholars do...
Results for research on: Research
How to Save a Leaky Ship: Modeling the Organizational Obstacles to Sustainable Practices
Erb Faculty Member, Andy Hoffman's response to this paper: In their paper "How to save a leaky ship" John Lyneis and John Sterman ask the simple question "Why are win-win opportunities so often left on the table?" Their answer lies in an analysis of the organizational...
Expanding the Reach of Participatory Risk Management: Testing an Online Decision-Aiding Framework
Turning rhetoric into reality in pursuit of the triple-bottom-line - Erb Faculty Director, Joe Arvai published in Risk Analysis an International Journal Many business cases, and business school classes, are overflowing with high-sounding and aspirational rhetoric...
The Promise of Asymmetric Interventions for Addressing Risks to Environmental Systems
The promise of asymmetric interventions for addressing risks to environmental systems. Erb Faculty Director, Joe Arvai published in Environment Systems & Decisions Recent studies suggest that people the world over are becoming increasingly concerned about the...
Alcoa: The Race to Light-Weighting
Alcoa: The Race to Light-weighting (pdf abstract) Purchase the full report on GlobaLens (Case study #1-430-435) – published 08/2015, 24 pages Now available in Spanish: Alcoa: La carrera hacia el aligeramiento (pdf abstract) Purchase the full report on GlobaLens (Case...
Water Stewardship in Africa: The Next Frontier for Building Shared Value
While many companies are already engaging with climate change and an array of other environmental issues, water is quickly emerging as an impactful driver of both business risk and opportunity in the 21st century. Water is a critical input for many supply chains,...
Knowledge as a Driver of Public Perceptions about Climate Change Reassessed
The role of "culture" in the climate change debate isn't all it's cracked up to be. Erb Faculty Director, Joe Arvai published in Nature Climate Change There's an emerging body of research suggesting that how much people know about climate change is unrelated to how...
Institutional Theory and the National Environment: Research in (and on) the Anthropocene
By: Andrew Hoffman and P. Devereaux Jennings Published in Organization & Environment, March 2015 Abstract: This review article summarizes some of the main tenets of institutional theory as they apply to the domain of organization and the natural environment...
Firestone: Crises Across the Decades
Firestone: Crises Across the Decades (pdf abstract) Purchase the full report on GlobaLens (Case study #1-429-412) - published 02/2015, 12 pages By: Andrew Hoffman Description: Ed Garcia, president and managing director of Firestone Liberia, is relishing the moment,...
Tea and Sustainability at Unilever: Turning Over a New Leaf (A)
Tea and Sustainability at Unilever: Turning Over a New Leaf (A) (pdf abstract) Purchase the full report on GlobaLens (Case study #1-429-413) - published 02/2015, 12 pages By: Andrew Hoffman Description: Michiel Leijnse, global brand development director of Lipton Tea,...