Results for research on: Mobility

Sustainability Cases Attract Global Audience

Sustainability Cases Attract Global Audience

Sustainability Cases Attract Global Audience Students at U-M and other top universities, including Northwestern University, University of Virginia and University of California, Berkeley, are benefiting from a substantial and growing catalog of Erb branded case studies...

Lessons for Detroit from Medellín, Colombia

Lessons for Detroit from Medellín, Colombia

Steve Davidson, Erb '14 takes home lessons for Detroit from Medellín, Colombia. Metro--the city's public transit arteries Metrocable--connections for the city's poorest neighborhoods Public spaces and public art--inspiring hope in a hopeless place Unidades...

Hurtling Toward a Population of 9 Billion

Hurtling Toward a Population of 9 Billion

In mid September I attended the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Meeting of the New Champions in Dalian, China as a student reporter. One of the most surprising themes of the conferencewas that it may already be too late to deal with overpopulation. Johan Rockström,...

Entrepreneurs Help Motor City Become Mobility City

Entrepreneurs Help Motor City Become Mobility City

This blog is cross-posted on Oikos Student Reporter DETROIT, MI – How does a bankrupt city with a declining population and dwindling public finances provide transportation for its residents? Detroit’s answer to that question has increasingly been to leverage private...

Sustainability as a Business Edge

Sustainability as a Business Edge

Erb post-doctoral research fellow, Laurie Kaye Nijaki contributed to the Sustainability as a Business Edge report with 'environmentally preferable practice' suggestions Read more

Ford Trends Conference: Smart Devices and Energy Innovation

Ford Trends Conference: Smart Devices and Energy Innovation

Erb Institute Director Andrew Hoffman and SAC member, John Viera discusses future integrated communication for smart devices and energy innovation on a panel at the Ford Trends Read more here:  Ford talks integration and innovation with smart devices

MAP – Rapid Growth of Antalya, Turkey and Taxis

MAP – Rapid Growth of Antalya, Turkey and Taxis

City of Antalya Multidisciplinary Action Project Authors: Aamer Ali, Santiago Gomez-Bernal, Shaun Herbert and Michael Rockett ('15) Faculty Advisor: Ted O'Leary Abstract: The government in Turkey had asked major cities to complete sustainable transport plans, Antalya...