An appeal for better, smarter decisions - Erb Faculty Director, Joe Arvai published in Policy Options Politiques Spend a few minutes talking with the Erb Institute’s Faculty Director, Joe Árvai, and it’ll be clear that his social and political views are progressive;...
Results for research on: In the Media
Model Behavior: 20 Business Model Innovations for Sustainability
SustainAbility Report: Model Behavior: 20 Business Model Innovations for Sustainability, co-authored by Erb alum Ryan Whisnant and a SustainAbility colleague. The report identifies 20 distinct business models falling into five categories, offering a closer look at...
How universities can plant the seeds for a sustainable society – GreenBiz
Ross alum, Brittany VanderBeek, references the Erb Institute for the dual degree program and interdisciplinary courses in her recent GreenBiz blog. "Interdisciplinary classes also can be offered that address sustainability. Because it is a topic that affects multiple...
External Advisory Board member featured in Forbes magazine
Erb External Advisory Board member, Lauren Bigelow, is featured in Forbes magazine. "Lauren Bigelow is the CEO of the Growth Capital Network (GCN) which does project management, evaluative and analytical work. But what she really does is help connect entrepreneurs and...
New research contributes to major U-M technical reports on “fracking”
Erb Research Management Fellow, Kim Wolske, and Director Andy Hoffman contribute to newly released U-M study on hydraulic fracturing in Michigan. Wolske and Hoffman's "Public Perceptions Report" is one of 7 technical reports to be used in guiding future decision...
Ford Trends Conference: Smart Devices and Energy Innovation
Erb Institute Director Andrew Hoffman and SAC member, John Viera discusses future integrated communication for smart devices and energy innovation on a panel at the Ford Trends Read more here: Ford talks integration and innovation with smart devices
Sustainable Bling?
Erb Faculty Member, Tom Lyon offers perspective on one rancher's efforts to find opportunity in the wake of the mountain pine beetle's destruction. New York Times (Business Day) Read more: Invasion of the Beetles, and a Rancher's Revenge (html)
Andy Hoffman tackles business innovation, the role of global markets and the carbon tax on Australian television and radio
Andy Hoffman tackles business innovation, the role of global markets and the carbon tax on Australian television and radio. Check out the interviews: Radio Interview: Very fast trains, solar planes and what Business can do for climate action
Driving Supply Chain Sustainability at Ford
Jon Newton, Erb '03 is currently Supply Chain Sustainability Global Lead at Eaton (formerly of Ford Motor Company in Dearborn, Michigan,) and a member of ISM's Committee on Sustainability and Social Responsibility....
Andy Hoffman cited in “The Sustainable Path to Profit: don’t throw out the rubbish” The Financial Times
Andy Hoffman and Erb Institute MBA/MS program cited in Financial Times story on Business education: The sustainable path to profit: don't throw out the rubbish. Read more: The sustainable path to profit: don't throw out the rubbish (html)