Results for research on: Human Development

Patagonia: Encouraging Customers to Buy Used Clothing

Patagonia: Encouraging Customers to Buy Used Clothing

By: Andrew Hoffman Description: How do you make money when you tell your customers ‘don’t buy our stuff unless you really need it?’” This was the question that Yvon Chouinard, founder of the clothing company Patagonia, asked himself as he considered developing a new...

Gen Y to drive information technology to “greener” pastures

Gen Y to drive information technology to “greener” pastures

People complain that my generation’s “addiction” to technology will lead us down the path of unsustainability.  I think they are wrong.  While it is true that my generation, Gen Y (those born after 1980) is the quickest demographic to adopt new computing trends, the...

Smart Technologies for Sustainable Public Transportation

Smart Technologies for Sustainable Public Transportation

A recent report by the Metropolitan Infrastructure Initiative at the Brookings Institute, called Transit Access and Zero Vehicle Households, revealed several striking statistics about Detroit transit. Of the 136,000 households without cars in the Detroit metro area,...