Erb Institute white paper now released for the June 26 energy conference held at the University of Michigan. The conference was co-sponsored by the Erb Institute, Growth Capital Network, The Pew Charitable Trusts, Institute for Energy Innovation, 5 Lakes Energy, Next...
Results for research on: Global Change
Sustainability as a Business Edge
Erb post-doctoral research fellow, Laurie Kaye Nijaki contributed to the Sustainability as a Business Edge report with 'environmentally preferable practice' suggestions Read more
Travelers Insurance: Focusing on Climate Change and Natural Catastrophe Risk
Travelers Insurance: Focusing on Climate Change and Natural Catastrophe Risk (pdf abstract) Purchase the full report on GlobaLens (Case study # 1-429-347)– published 07/2013, 28 pages. Developed by: Jonathan Huynh ('13), David Wang ('15), Jay Wolfgram ('15), and...
Ford Trends Conference: Smart Devices and Energy Innovation
Erb Institute Director Andrew Hoffman and SAC member, John Viera discusses future integrated communication for smart devices and energy innovation on a panel at the Ford Trends Read more here: Ford talks integration and innovation with smart devices
How will “Disruptive Challenges” in the Electric Markets Impact Michigan’s Energy Decisions?
Energy experts converge in Ann Arbor to discuss industry trends, forecasts for Michigan Erb Executive in Residence, Tom Catania, featured on panel discussing, Innovative Utility System Resources Read the Blue paper below...
Energy experts convene to discuss industry trends and forecasts
June 26: The Inaugural Michigan Energy Futures Conference will convene industry, academic and policy experts with the objective of identifying the industry trends and forecasts that will effect Michigan's energy future.
Consumer-perceived risks and choices about pharmaceuticals in the environment: a cross-sectional study
Do consumer’s care about the environmental consequences of over-the-counter and prescription drugs? Erb Faculty Director, Joe Arvai published in Environmental Health There is growing concern that pollution from pharmaceuticals used in human medicine and agriculture...
Does sustainability need to cheer up? – GreenBiz
Ryan Whisnant Erb '10 offers up some refreshing antidotes to "the gloom and doom" that tends to be associated with global sustainability topics including Andy Hoffman and John Ehrenfeld's new book: "Flourishing" and a look at the growing field of positive psychology....
Case Study: Blueprint for Ford’s Future: From Personal Automobiles to Mobility
Developed under the supervision of Andrew Hoffman by graduate students Rhiannon Haller, Brandon Tirrell, Courtney Yan, and Connie Yu (Erb ’15) Ford Motor Company’s Social Sustainability Manager and Erb EAB emeritus, David Berdish, faces the challenge of positioning...
Business media trends and climate change science: Gift horses or Trojan horses?
In the March 30, 2013 edition of The Economist magazine, a piece was written with the sub-title, “Climate change may be happening more slowly than scientists thought. But the world still needs to deal with it.” There have been about 200 comments entered on the...