Our Erb Institute community dinner coincides with some big news out of New York. Earlier today, the United Nations announced their post-2015 development agenda, which includes 17 Goals for Sustainable Development. Many of us came to our work on sustainability in Erb...
Results for research on: Global Change
Erb Students Learn About Shared-X startup
On Sunday, September 13th, Erb Students met with John Denniston (Erb SAC Member) and Tony Salas to learn more about their recently launched for-profit impact company called Shared-X. Topics of discussion included compelling arguments for business to take the lead on...
The Promise of Asymmetric Interventions for Addressing Risks to Environmental Systems
The promise of asymmetric interventions for addressing risks to environmental systems. Erb Faculty Director, Joe Arvai published in Environment Systems & Decisions Recent studies suggest that people the world over are becoming increasingly concerned about the...
Water Stewardship in Africa: The Next Frontier for Building Shared Value
While many companies are already engaging with climate change and an array of other environmental issues, water is quickly emerging as an impactful driver of both business risk and opportunity in the 21st century. Water is a critical input for many supply chains,...
Interdisciplinary Collaboration for a Healthy and Sustainable World
I wish I had counted the number of perplexed looks I received this summer after describing my summer internship. Upon learning that I was an Erber, people would quickly assume “Interesting! So are you working in sustainability?” To which I would respond, “Not exactly....
Alignment between Farmer and Environmental Interests Shows Promise for Conserving Forests and Improving Livelihoods in Amazon
I had the opportunity to spend three months in Brazil in the summer of 2015 as part of an Erb internship with Imaflora, a Brazilian organization that works with agricultural and forestry certification. Working with students from the University of Michigan (SNRE),...
A Thoughtful Conversation about the Pope’s Encyclical – Terry Yosie (WEC)
Terry F. Yosie, President & CEO of the World Environment Center shares his thoughts on Pope Francis' recent climate change Encyclical letter accompanied with responses from sustainability leaders including Erb Faculty Director, Andy Hoffman. Read the GreenBiz...
Pope Encyclical on ‘Ecological Crisis’ Asks us to Examine our Deepest Values and Beliefs
One of problems in communicating about climate change is that it has been ghettoized as a strictly environmental message promoted by liberal messengers. This makes it easy for some to dismiss it. But the pope’s encyclical letter “Laudato Si’,” or “Praise Be To You,”...
The Climate Change Debate and Pope Francis’ Encyclical – (The Conversation)
Erb Faculty Director Andy Hoffman says the Encyclical on climate change could be a 'game changer'. Read more about this topic in recent The Conversation article by Andy Hoffman and Erb student Jenna White titled "The pope as a messenger: making climate change a moral...
Knowledge as a Driver of Public Perceptions about Climate Change Reassessed
The role of "culture" in the climate change debate isn't all it's cracked up to be. Erb Faculty Director, Joe Arvai published in Nature Climate Change There's an emerging body of research suggesting that how much people know about climate change is unrelated to how...