Movirtu's Cloud Phone Service: Funding a Base-of-the-Pyramid Venture (pdf abstract) Purchase the full report on (Case study # 1-429-162) – published 01/2012, 18 pages. Developed by: Erb faculty affiliate, Ted London Description: Who are the right investors for a...
Results for research on: Consumer Products
REI Rentals
REI Rentals (pdf abstract) Purchase the full report on (Case study #1-429-202) - published on 01/2013, 20 pages. Developed by: Mary Fritz and Rich Grousset under the supervision of Damian Beil and Wallace Hopp Description: Kirk Myers, REI’s Manager of Corporate...
Charles Corbett’s Title and Abstract
Stringency, governance, media coverage and diffusion of environmental and social labeling schemes Co-authored by: Pavel Castka and Charles J. Corbett Abstract The increased focus on social and environmental issues has led to a range of labels being used to inform...
Humor, grit, condoms and entrepreneurship in Thailand – Elise Hunter
Elise Hunter's ('13) interview with Mechai Viravaidya (Thailand's 'Mr. Condom') on the successes of one of his social enterprises is featured in the Huffington Post Social Entrepreneurship section as Cabbages and Condoms. A public health advocate and entrepreneur...
Detroit: Serving and Learning in our Community
Detroit: Serving and Learning in our Community / Report No. 124, 4 pages This report features the revitalization of Detroit’s lower east side, adaptive reuse of inner-city buildings, Ross School’s revitalization & business (R&B) initiative, new internships at...
Working at the Forefront of Climate-Change Action and Opportunity
Working at the Forefront of Climate-Change Action and Opportunity / Report No. 131, 4 pages Energized by overwhelming scientific evidence and agreement that human activity is causing serious changes in the Earth’s climate, the Erb Institute has joined environmental,...
John Denniston’s Cleantech Wisdom: Notes from his October 18, 2012 talk at the U-M Law School
Presentation sponsored by the Environmental Law and Policy Program Clean tech is tough right now. Vestas pulled out of the U.S. A123 went bankrupt. Solyndra is a bust. Carbon legislation is the new living dead. Low natural gas prices have killed the financials of...
Emerging roles for academia, business and NGO’s from Rio +20
“Rio+20 has shown that business will have to drive the solution because we have seen that the process where governments have to come to an agreement is becoming more and more difficult. In the future, we will look back and see that this was the first time business...
New findings on sustainability certification released
Professor Tom Lyon was among the 12-member Steering Committee of international business and civil society leaders and academic experts that produced the report, Toward Sustainability: The Roles and Limitations of Certification. Funded by The David and Lucile Packard...
FIFA’s Sustainability Goals Another Step in the Right Direction
This is the first in a three-part series on Sustainability in Sports Anyone who has recently been to a large-scale sporting event knows that sustainability hasn’t hit the mainstream sports world just yet. Several developments over the past few years, however, suggest...