Results for research on: Climate Change

The Pope as Messenger: Making Climate Change a Moral Issue

The Pope as Messenger: Making Climate Change a Moral Issue

This summer, Pope Francis plans to release an encyclical letter in which he will address environmental issues, and very likely climate change. His statement will have a profound impact on the public debate. For one, it will elevate the spiritual, moral and religious...

Social Sciences are Best Hope for Ending Debates over Climate Change

Social Sciences are Best Hope for Ending Debates over Climate Change

Last week, California Governor Jerry Brown described Senator Ted Cruz as unfit to run for office because of his “direct falsification of the existing scientific data” on climate change. Cruz fired back that “global warming alarmists” like Brown “ridicule and insult...

Climate Change’s Poisoned Culture

Climate Change’s Poisoned Culture

This blog originally appeared on Geographical and U-M blog, The Conversation. Climate change appears to have joined sex, religion, and politics as an issue that people try not to discuss in polite conversation. Indeed, according to a survey by the Yale Project on...

Welcome to the Sustainability Community: Past, Present and Future

Welcome to the Sustainability Community: Past, Present and Future

Remarks to the Erb Class of 2017 One of the benefits of being a professor is that we forget that we are aging. Each year, we are met by a fresh crop of new students that are always the same age.  So, in effect, we are constantly surrounded by a group of people that...

National Academies on Climate Change Education – Report

National Academies on Climate Change Education – Report

The National Academies Press recently released Climate Change Education: Preparing Future and Current Business Leaders. Ross Associate Dean Valerie Suslow is quoted on climate change in the curriculum in Chapter 3 and Erb Institute Faculty Director, Andy Hoffman is...

Innovations in Biodiversity Management

Innovations in Biodiversity Management

Innovations in Biodiversity Management Global biodiversity loss and ecosystem services The science of biodiversity and ecosystem services Biodiversity management strategies Open considerations about how companies can make the business case for biodiversity management,...

Galileo and the Climate Change Debate

Galileo and the Climate Change Debate

In the United States, we love to root for the underdog, the voice of reason standing firm in the face of intolerance and resistance.  On the climate change debate, the role model of that figure is the 17th century scientist Galileo Galilei and his clash with the...