Erb Institute Director Andrew Hoffman and SAC member, John Viera discusses future integrated communication for smart devices and energy innovation on a panel at the Ford Trends Read more here: Ford talks integration and innovation with smart devices
Results for research on: Academia
Sustainable Bling?
Erb Faculty Member, Tom Lyon offers perspective on one rancher's efforts to find opportunity in the wake of the mountain pine beetle's destruction. New York Times (Business Day) Read more: Invasion of the Beetles, and a Rancher's Revenge (html)
Consumer-perceived risks and choices about pharmaceuticals in the environment: a cross-sectional study
Do consumer’s care about the environmental consequences of over-the-counter and prescription drugs? Erb Faculty Director, Joe Arvai published in Environmental Health There is growing concern that pollution from pharmaceuticals used in human medicine and agriculture...
U-M REFRESCH Program Explores Appropriate Technologies for Resource-Challenged Regions
The Erb Institute has successfully partnered with several U-M institute and departments on a grant proposal under the provost's Third Century Initiative. REFRESCH (Researching Fresh Solutions to the Energy/Water/Food Challenge in Resource-Constrained Environments)...
Erb alumni and students transform Mexico’s 3rd largest bank
Current Erb students and alumni are making an impact in companies around the world, but perhaps no organization has been more influenced by Erbers’ passion for making change than the Mexican bank, Banorte. At first blush, Banorte seems like an unlikely candidate....
Business Model Innovation at TutorVista: Personalization and Global Resource Leverage
Business Model Innovation at TutorVista: Personalization and Global Resource Leverage(pdf abstract)Purchase the full report on (Case study # 1-428-916) – published 12/2012, 24 pages. Developed by: C.K. Prahalad, M.S. Krishnan Description: How do you convince American...
Andy Hoffman cited in “The Sustainable Path to Profit: don’t throw out the rubbish” The Financial Times
Andy Hoffman and Erb Institute MBA/MS program cited in Financial Times story on Business education: The sustainable path to profit: don't throw out the rubbish. Read more: The sustainable path to profit: don't throw out the rubbish (html)
Conventional Politics for Unconventional Drilling?
Erb faculty affiliate, Barry Rabe and Christopher Borick published "Conventional Politics for Unconventional Drilling? Lessons from Pennsylvania's Early Move into Shale Gas Policy Development" (pdf) in the Review of Public Policy.
Summary of 2011 Erb Institute Alumni Employment Survey / Report No. 121, 2 pages
Allison Shapiro and Rachel Smeak, Advisor: Rick Bunch Erb alumni give top priority to the potential for social or environmental impact in career selection. Read more in the Erb alumni employment survey....
Working at the Forefront of Climate-Change Action and Opportunity
Working at the Forefront of Climate-Change Action and Opportunity / Report No. 131, 4 pages Energized by overwhelming scientific evidence and agreement that human activity is causing serious changes in the Earth’s climate, the Erb Institute has joined environmental,...