Results for research on: Academia

Do we need a new definition of sustainability?

Do we need a new definition of sustainability?

Erb Director, Andy Hoffman gives keynote speech titled "Do we need a new definition of sustainability?" at the West Michigan Sustainable Business Forum luncheon on Feb. 10. Listen to Professor Hoffman's speech  

Reflections on a Theory of Change

Reflections on a Theory of Change

Remarks at the 2013 Erb Institute Holiday Gathering What is our theory of change? It is an important question, and one that I have been pondering over the past few months. We all have a theory of change. When we ask our partner to change dinner plans for the evening;...

Being Entrepreneurial in Your Storytelling

Being Entrepreneurial in Your Storytelling

By: Lianne Lefsrud and Dev Jennings As a sustainability advocate, you may be a budding entrepreneur like Erb’s Bizeeboxers in FastCompany.   Or you may be an intrapreneur, acting as the VP Sustainability for a Fortune 500 company. Oftentimes, your ideas are...

2013 Climate Change Communication Challenge Winners

2013 Climate Change Communication Challenge Winners

We challenged students to create short public service announcements that would inspire positive action on climate change. Eleven teams of students put their skills to the test. These are the first and second place videos. Critics’ Choice 2nd place winner, “25 Ways to...