Erb Faculty Director, Andy Hoffman unpacts his and John Ehrenfeld's analysis of the fourth wave in the sustainability movement: Systems Thinking. Read more about Why Systems Thinking is the Next Step in Sustainability
Results for research on: Academia
Experimental Departures from Self-Interest when Competing Partnerships Share Output
Paper published in Experimental Economics by Josh Cherry, Stephen Salant (Erb Faculty Affiliate) and Neslihan Uler with a grant from the Erb Institute. Experimental departures from self-interest when competing partnerships share output
Welcome to the Sustainability Community: Past, Present and Future
Remarks to the Erb Class of 2017 One of the benefits of being a professor is that we forget that we are aging. Each year, we are met by a fresh crop of new students that are always the same age. So, in effect, we are constantly surrounded by a group of people that...
Industrial Ecology as a Source of Competitive Advantage
Erb Faculty Member, Andy Hoffman - Journal of Industrial Ecology The goal of this special feature is to explore industrial ecology (IE) concepts and tools as the basis for competitive advantage for business. Past studies of the relationship between business and IE...
Expect the Unexpected: Educating and Protecting Girls in Liberia
As I entered the classroom, 26 girls between the ages of 10 and 18 chanted: “Welcome to More Than Me Academy. We are the girls of Power class, What is your name?” I answered “Marianna” and watched their charismatic teacher prompt the class to spell out my name...
The New Heretics: Hybrid organizations and Corporate Sustainability
Former Erb Post-doc, Nardia Haigh and Erb Institute Faculty Director, Andy Hoffman were published in Organization & Environment. Read the article: The New Heretics: Hybrid Organizations and the Challenges They Present to Corporate Sustainability This paper was...
National Academies on Climate Change Education – Report
The National Academies Press recently released Climate Change Education: Preparing Future and Current Business Leaders. Ross Associate Dean Valerie Suslow is quoted on climate change in the curriculum in Chapter 3 and Erb Institute Faculty Director, Andy Hoffman is...
3 Erb Students Named ZLI Zell and Mondry Scholars
Congratulations to Marianna Kerppola on her Mondry Scholarship and to Brian Rassel and Will Kletter on their Zell Scholarships from the Zell Lurie Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies. These scholarships are available to "MBA students [who have] achieved a...
Corporate Sustainability – Thomas P. Lyon
In recent times the academic world has focused increasing attention on the challenges of corporate sustainability. While the concept of corporate sustainability originated in the context of environmental impact and natural resources, in recent years the concept has...
Should Professors Engage in Public Debate?
Erb Faculty Director, Andy Hoffman shares his thoughts on why more university researchers aren't engaging with the public and discusses the current trends. Listen to the Michigan Radio interview (14:59) | Michigan Radio summary