Ravi Anupindi
Colonel William G. and Ann C. Svetlich Professor of Operations Research and Management|
Professor of Technology & Operations|
Faculty Director, Center for Value Chain Innovation
University of Michigan: Ross School of Business
His main research areas include value chain innovation, technology and business innovation; supply chain management; strategic sourcing; supply chain risk management; lean operations; supply chain sustainability; value chains for economic development and health care delivery in low and middle income countries. His current work includes decision models for commodity operations, supply chain risk management, emerging markets supply chains, resource allocation for malaria interventions, and a study of models of TB treatment and health market innovations. His work has appeared in several leading journals including Management Science, Operations Research, Journal of MSOM, Marketing Science, The Lancet, and Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. He has also authored several case studies in supply chain risk management, healthcare delivery, and sustainability; a brief summary of these writings is available here.
At the Ross school he has taught the Operations Management (core) and an elective class in Strategic Sourcing. He currently teaches elective courses in Global Supply Chain Management; Innovations in Global Healthcare Delivery; and Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Management. He also teaches in several open and custom executive education programs. He was the director of the Leadership in Plant Operations program for executives. He has worked with several companies on various issues in operations and supply chain, sustainability, sourcing, supply chain visibility and traceability and new product launch processes. Under a USAID grant, he has assisted University of Johannesburg in South Africa develop a graduate degree program in Supply Chain Management. He is the co-author of a textbook, Managing Business Process Flows (3rd Edition), Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2011.
Ravi is recipient the Ross School of Business Neary Teaching Excellence Award (2019), Victor L. Bernard Teaching Leadership Award (2019), and the CORE (Contribution to Research Environment) Award (2015). Ravi is a member of Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS), Council for Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP), Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), Institute for Supply Management (ISM), and the Supply Chain Thought Leaders (SCTL) group. He serves on the Governing Council of the Supply Chain Risk Leadership Council (SCRLC). He was a member of the advisory board and executive committee for the People That Deliver Initiative for Global Health from 2012-2015. He now serves on the board the William Davidson Institute and the Fair Labor Association, and as a technical advisor to Vital Ocean.