Jennifer McLaughlin
Independent Business Consultant / Real Estate Investor
Jennifer is passionate about making positive social and environmental impacts through entrepreneurial enterprise. Currently, she is working as an Independent Business Consultant/Real Estate Investor. She previously worked to start-up a solar-electric design firm here in Ann Arbor. Her 2008 summer internship and master’s project work, both of which were in conjunction with Ford Motor Company’s Sustainable Business Strategies division, resulted in the creation of practical tools to help Ford improve the social and environmental conditions experienced by many urban slum dwellers throughout the world. Jennifer graduated from the United States Air Force Academy in 2002 with a Bachelor of Science in engineering. Prior to entering the Erb program at Michigan, she completed her five year active duty military commitment at the Los Angeles Air Force Base Space and Missile Systems Center. She worked as a developmental engineer and project manager on both the Space Radar and Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite systems. She also spent six months working with NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA designing optical systems for the Space Interferometry Mission.