Hippo Water International (HWI): A Simple Design Can Change the World

Erbers Colm Fay & Cynthia Koenig, with Christopher Mueller for their model to effectively distribute water rollers a proven collection and transport technology to alleviate problems associated with lack of access to water in the developing world.

BioLumination: Brightening the Future with the Waste of Today

Erber Paul Davis, with Robert Levine for their plan to introduce a device called the Biolight for combusting waste to produce light, thus helping to improve the quality of life for rural villages in the developing world while minimizing environmental impacts.

Nalu Solar Software

Erbers Jennifer McLaughlin & Imogen Taylor, with Prashanth Prasad for a software company model that would encourage greater adoption of solar photovoltaic technology by lowering the cost of installed solar PV systems.


The Dow Sustainability Innovation Challenge recognizes students for their innovation and research of sustainable solutions to the world’s most pressing social, economic, and environmental problems.