Imogen Taylor
Obsidian Renewables, LLC
Imogen is interested in renewable and distributed energy (particularly photovoltaics), and energy efficiency technologies and building techniques. She currently works as an Analyst for Obsidian Renewables. Imogen previously worked for Solar Oregon, a solar education and outreach nonprofit, working to stimulate demand for PV across Oregon. Prior to that she worked as an Associate at Turtlerock Greentech, a green technology commercialization and consulting firm. She has also worked as a consultant for UNI-SOLAR, and maintained a green construction blog for a Detroit non-profit focused on energy efficiency, green building, and sustainable development (WARM Training Center). Before enrolling in Erb, Imogen worked in State and City government and politics in New York City for nine years. Since moving to Michigan she has become an avid composter and gardener, and is keenly interested in sustainable food systems. Imogen graduated from Wesleyan University with a B.A. in Government.