Elizabeth Griffin
Con Edison Transmission
Elizabeth is the Manager of Finance and Corporate Strategy at Con Edison’s new transmission subsidiary, Con Edison Transmission. Since its formation in early 2016, Con Edison Transmission has invested over $1.5 billion in electric transmission and natural gas pipeline & storage infrastructure. She previously was a senior analyst in National Grid’s Operations Performance group. While attending the Erb Institute, Elizabeth’s academic work and internships focused on energy policy, systems, and infrastructure. As a Hewlett Fellow at The Wilderness Society, she worked with internal and external stakeholders to create an organizational strategy to guide the development of utility-scale solar and wind renewable energy projects on public lands. Her master’s project examined the connection between biofuels subsidies, land use change, and wildlife habitat. She and her team presented their findings at the U.S. Senate, Department of Energy, and Department of Agriculture. Prior to attending the University of Michigan, Elizabeth worked client services for Truist, a start-up technology company, and for the National Audubon Society’s Public Policy office. Elizabeth graduated from Georgetown University with a Bachelor of Arts in English and minors in Biology and Environmental Studies.