Latest Past Events

Transportation, Economics, Energy and the Environment (TE3) Conference

Registration closes on October 22, 2015 Visit the conference site for more information. Hosted by: University of Michigan Energy Institute Sponsored by: Apparent, Ford, Oak Ridge National Labratory, Toyota, Michigan Mobility Transformation Center and the Erb Institute

Glen Dowell / Erb Colloquium

Glen Dowell Area Coordinator of Management and Organizations; Associate Professor of Management and Organizations, Johnson School of Business, Cornell University Co-Sponsor: Ross Strategy

Katherine Burson / Erb Colloquium

Katherine Burson Associate Professor of Marketing, Ross School of Business, University of Michigan Abstract: Energy consumption is a growing concern, driving legislation requiring manufacturing of more fuel-efficient cars and more transparent scales to convey fuel-efficiency. However, consumers’ understanding of fuel efficiency and its cost when expressed on different scales is unclear. Expanded scales of fuel […]