"The Smart Grid: Where We Are Today and What the Future Holds" By Christian Hicks, Erb MBA/MS 2012 Renewable Energy Scholar View the report https://issuu.com/erbinstitute/docs/hicks-smart-grid
Results for research on: Alumni
The Green Button: Energy Data Standards and Opportunity
"The Green Button: Business Opportunities Arising From an Energy Data Standard" By Lawrence Han, Erb MBA/MS 2012 Renewable Energy Scholar View the report https://issuu.com/erbinstitute/docs/han-green-button
New Brookings Institute policy report on Green Growth Innovation
"Green Growth Innovation: Toward a New Architecture for Developing Countries" Co-authored by Allison Shapiro, Erb '12. The Brookings Institution is a nonprofit public policy organization based in Washington, DC, focused on conducting independent research and, based on...
Video: Erb Alum talks energy efficiency on Green Biz
Jennifer Layke, Erb ' 97, presents findings from global study of organizational practices for improving energy efficiency. Watch the video
Can we take on the job of managing the planet’s systems?
The most sophisticated management system in the world was developed in a laboratory of iron, oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon surrounded by a thin layer of ozone. This system, what we call the planet’s ecosystems, costlessly manages biological functions that allow us to...
New Report on Renewable Energy Research and Innovation at Erb Institute
A review of noteworthy renewables activities and research from the Erb Institute. Read the 2 pg. report http://issuu.com/erbinstitute/docs/renewable-energy-research-at-erb_0ddea8e22c6f51?e=3090542/46247182
Planet Blue Innovation Grant to fund Erb team Reusable Containers Initiative
Four substantial, student-led sustainability projects are gaining momentum on campus, thanks to financial support from the new Planet Blue Student Innovation Fund. One of them is the Reusable Containers Program, headed by Erb students Phel meyer, Rich Grousset and...
If we’re growing, we’re always going to be out of our comfort zone
If we're growing, we're always going to be out of our comfort zone. --John C. Maxwell One of my housemates has healthy starts of spinach, Tatsoi, Swiss chard, and kale on our second floor balcony. The small garden beds in the yard below are being prepared with last...
Minimizing Waste, One Container at a Time
As of 2011, the University of Michigan campus was generating 10,000 tons of solid waste every year - nearly 28 tons per day. The University realizes this is a major problem and has begun taking action accordingly. President Coleman recently set an ambitious target of...
What to do when you’ve picked all the low-hanging fruit – Article in GreenBiz
By Nadine Gudz and Melissa Vernon This post appeared in GreenBiz on March 23, 2012 Since early 2008, an intentional, global, and mostly internal dialogue has been going on to address the question of how Interface will accelerate its sustainability journey to meet our...